Home Products Stanford study of identical twins showed vegan diets improved health

Stanford study of identical twins showed vegan diets improved health

by Universalwellnesssystems

It took Alexandra Shai Chai some time to accept the idea of ​​having to eat a vegan diet for eight weeks.

Shaichai, who usually eats meat, was participating in a study to investigate: Impact of Different diets for twin health. Last year, when researchers at Stanford University randomly handed out slips of paper to twins telling them how to eat, Shaichai wanted her slip to say “omnivore.”

It said “vegan” instead. Her twin sister, Mariya Foster, was eating a meat and vegetable diet.

Shaichai replaced his favorite foods like bacon, sushi and steak with tofu, beans and vegetables.she didn't love that But when Shaichai recently learned of the study's results, she felt grateful to have taken a moment to change her diet.

In results published last week, researchers tested 22 pairs of identical twins and found that those who ate vegan diets had lower cholesterol, insulin and weight than participants who continued to eat meat. JAMA Network Open Journal.

Vegan eaters reduced their low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol, by an average of 15.2 milligrams over eight weeks. Omnivorous dieter he reduced by 2.4. Vegan eaters lost an average of 4.2 pounds more than omnivores, and their insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels, was reduced by about 20 percent more.

“It was definitely worth it,” Shai Chai, 43, told The Washington Post. “I thought, 'Okay, at least I can give back a little bit.' A little bit of profit for the trouble.”

Christopher Gardner, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, said the genetics of the participants sometimes confound researchers' understanding of how differences in diet affect people's health. He wants to find definitive answers about the effects of eating or avoiding meat and animal products on cardiovascular health, and believes the best subjects are people with nearly identical genes and backgrounds. I did.

Near the beginning of 2022, Gardner found participants through Stanford University. Twin Research Registry. Shai Chai and Foster signed up for this research several years ago, thinking it would be a fun way to contribute to scientific discovery. They were exactly the type of twins Gardner was looking for.

Ms. Foster was born in Kiev in December 1979, about five minutes before Shaichai, and moved to San Francisco in 1995. They like the same food (fish and chicken), the same music (pop and techno), and sometimes unconsciously buy the same clothes. . The sisters, who are 5 feet 5 inches tall and live a few blocks from each other, said they often finish each other's sentences and know what the other is thinking.

In May 2022, study participants will They received 21 weeks worth of prepackaged meals from Trifecta, a meal delivery service, which included meals from their allotted meals. The vegan meal consisted of oatmeal, tofu, broccoli, spinach, beans, lentils, and brown rice. The omnivorous diet was still healthy but featured eggs, chicken, turkey bacon, vegetables, and jasmine rice. Participants recorded their meals on Cronometer, an app that tracks food and health data.

Shai Chai said that although there were some dishes she didn't like, the vegan dishes were better than she expected. Foster sacrificed her favorite snacks (M&Ms and granola bars) for healthier meats and fruits. After seeing sample meals after the diet, participants bought their own groceries. Second half of the 8 week study.

The nutritionists called the participants several times to discuss their health.Also given by participants They took blood and stool samples and underwent physical and cognitive tests to assess how diet affected balance and memory.

After four weeks on a vegan diet, Shai Chai said she had more energy and was able to sleep better. Still, she missed her favorite food. One time, she went to a sushi restaurant with her friends, but she forced herself to eat vegan sushi.

Although some participants continued on a vegan diet after the study ended in July 2022, Shai Chai said she immediately started eating sushi again, saying it tasted better than before. Foster said she became more conscious of healthy eating and developed meal ideas from Trifecta.

Gardner, who is a vegetarian, hopes nutritionists will use the findings to persuade their clients to eat more vegan products. He said vegan foods contribute to the three most important ways to improve cardiovascular health: increasing fiber, decreasing saturated fat and weight.

He added that he eats a vegan diet. Offering health benefits that could extend someone's life – Foster said the discovery sparked teasing from his siblings.

“I was already five minutes older,” Foster said. [figuratively] She grew even older because she followed a vegan diet. ”

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