Home Fitness Squat vs. Deadlift – Which Leg Day Exercise Is Best for Muscle

Squat vs. Deadlift – Which Leg Day Exercise Is Best for Muscle

by Universalwellnesssystems

back squat and conventional Barbell deadlifts are two of the most popular exercises in the gym for building lower body muscles and strength. But if you had to choose just one, which one should you prioritize?

“Welcome to the gym's equivalent of Godzilla vs. King Kong,” he says. Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS; M.H. fitness director. “The reality is that both of these movements sit at the top of the exercise food chain as movements that challenge multiple large muscle groups in your lower body and can move major weight.”

However, you don't always have time for both during your workout. Which one you prioritize depends on your body type and goals. You may also realize that you are better at one thing than the other and naturally gravitate toward your strengths.

We'll explain why both exercises are worth incorporating into your weekly routine, and when to start emphasizing one over the other.

How are squats and deadlifts similar?

One thing is for sure: both squats and deadlifts significantly improve strength. With both exercises, “you'll be using almost every muscle in your body, as long as you're pushing yourself,” says Samuel.

It also puts more stress on the spine, which improves bone density. But it also means you're putting a lot of stress on your central nervous system, which means you need to plan plenty of rest periods between training sets.

Difference between squat and deadlift

The main difference between a squat and a deadlift is the primary movement (the muscle group that works most of the movement) of each lift. However, this depends on what variations of each exercise are performed. For example, a sumo squat uses several different muscles than traditional standing. For the purpose of this discussion, let's focus on the most common variations of each movement: the traditional barbell deadlift and the barbell back squat.

The barbell deadlift is a hip-based movement. The glutes and hamstrings are the main driving forces for hip extension. The large back muscles (lats, rhomboids, and trapezius) also play an important role in stabilizing the spine throughout movement.

The barbell back squat is a knee-based movement. The quadriceps, hip adductors, and glutes work together to extend the knee and hip at the same time. As with deadlifts, your back muscles also influence this movement. The hip extensors shorten as they extend the lower back, and the muscles in the middle of the back work to stabilize the load.

Squat vs. Deadlift: Which Lift Should You Choose?

“In the long run, you'll want to master and dominate both of these movements to maintain a balance between strength and size,” says Samuel. “But how you prioritize them within your program will change based on your goals and other factors.”

Who should prioritize deadlifts?

men's health

If your goal is to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles, deadlifts should take the top spot. Yes, the squat also uses these muscle groups, but the deadlift focuses more on the posterior chain than the squat.

If your goal is to improve athletic performance, deadlifts strengthen the muscles that work in the hip extensor mechanism, which strengthens running and jumping motions.

Deadlifts also generally have more influence on the “real world” movement. Think about how often you bend down to pick up heavy items from the ground, such as groceries. Deadlifts train a routine movement that is not normally considered a force project.

Who should prioritize back squats?


men's health

If you only have a short amount of time at the gym but want to improve on both exercises, make squats a priority. According to Samuel, squats work the same muscles used in deadlifts, but through a wider range of motion. The strength you build with squats will carry over to deadlifts. The same applies to carryover from deadlift to squat, but not to the same degree.

If your main muscle building goal is to grow your quadriceps, squats are better than deadlifts. These are one of the main movements of knee flexion and extension and are the main mechanics of the squat.

Many Olympic lifts, such as power cleans and snatches, begin with a squat. So if you want to improve these powerful movements, we recommend emphasizing squats in your routine.

Overall, Samuel emphasizes that you don't need to perform just one of these exercises on a regular basis. Choosing which to focus on may be a matter of preference, but if you really want to get stronger, you need to make time for both.

CSCS, Cori Ritchie's face photo

Cori Ritchey, NASM-CPT, is the Health & Fitness Associate Editor at Men's Health and a certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor. You can see more of her work at HealthCentral, Livestrong, Self, and more.

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