Home Nutrition Springfield schools will reduce sugar in meals ahead of USDA change

Springfield schools will reduce sugar in meals ahead of USDA change

by Universalwellnesssystems

Federal nutrition standards for school lunches are set to change in August 2025, limiting the amount of added sugars allowed, but Springfield Public Schools isn’t planning on waiting a year to make changes to its menus.

Missouri’s largest school district, with the support of its administration and school board, will enact many of the new guidelines voluntarily for the 2024-25 school year.

“We’re going to be proactive about this next school year,” said Kim Keller, general manager of student nutrition.

The new standards were announced by the United States Department of Agriculture in late April and include:

  • Restrictions on added sugars in school lunches will begin in 2025, with full implementation by 2027. Added sugars are the most prevalent component of a typical school breakfast menu.
  • We will update limits on added sugars in flavoured milk from 2025. However, flavoured and unflavoured milk will continue to be permitted as they provide essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and potassium.
  • By 2027, sodium content will need to be reduced slightly.
On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, students at Jarrett Middle School eat lunch.

“We will be updating our menu in the fall to address some of the concerns around sugar,” Keller said, noting that previous USDA guidelines weren’t as specific: “USDA didn’t have any (standards) on added sugars at all. They had calorie limits, but they didn’t have limits on added sugars.”

The biggest change is for breakfast, where grains, fruits, vegetables and milk were previously offered regularly, and Keller said the guidelines don’t specify what protein, meat or meat substitutes should be offered.

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