Home Fitness Sophie Guidolin in Workout Gear Gives Inspirational Fitness Advice

Sophie Guidolin in Workout Gear Gives Inspirational Fitness Advice

by Universalwellnesssystems

Australian health influencer Sophie Guidolin knows first-hand how difficult it can be to lose weight, especially after giving birth. Guidolin, 34, shared videos of herself working out in various workout outfits, reminding her followers how important it is to take time for yourself. ️Imagine how you will feel in 30 days?!⁣⁣ You will never regret spending time on you. Let’s turn her time into our own change 🙏,” she captioned her post. what is this Here's Guidolin's fitness regimen, and her best advice for postpartum moms looking to get back in shape.

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Guidolin reevaluated her entire health and fitness plan after gaining 66 pounds from pregnancy. “Due to lack of exercise and poor nutrition, I gained nearly 30 kg and developed gestational diabetes.'' she said kids spot australia. “I suffer from 'gymnastics phobia' and when I started training I had no idea how to do it. My shoulders got bigger and my oblique ab muscles worked, and that's why I started training. It was the only part of my body I knew how to do. I was losing weight and eating less, but I didn't know that at the time.”

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Guidolin started weight training and increased his daily calories from 1,200 to 2,500 calories, and he couldn't believe the results. “The excitement I got from weight training was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.” she said kids spot australia. “I still love that feeling at the end of a hard training session and the body confidence that comes with being strong. I also love being able to eat all the food I want and still get the body shape I want. I realized I could do it. It was like a magic trick.”

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Guidolin enjoys a balanced diet and tracks her macros to ensure she's getting all the nutrients she needs. “By tracking your macros against your nutrition and body composition goals, you can get the body you want while still eating the foods you love.” she tells women fitness. “First, calculate your daily calorie intake based on your body composition and activity level. Next, calculate your target intake of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Then, track your food ( I use MyFitnessPal), so you don't overdo it. “It's a flexible way to eat mindfully. It allows you to eat out with the kids, travel without dietary restrictions, and more. You can live lean all year long.”

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Guidolin has some sage advice for women looking to get back in shape after giving birth. “Mom needs food!” she tells women fitness. “Moms often prioritize making a healthy lunch for their children, making an organic vegetable puree for their baby, or cooking a healthy dinner for the whole family. …But during the day, you can survive on coffee and muffins and your kids' leftovers. You can't do that.'' You can't train without energy, and you can't sleep well on a roller coaster. , if you don't plan your meals, you won't get the results you need to improve your fitness and physique. It's as easy as making your own lunches when you're making meals for your kids. Or you can make two dinners and store one serving in the fridge to ensure you have healthy meals on hand. ”

Sophie Guidolin/Instagram

Guidolin credits her parents with giving her the confidence to achieve her goals and pursue her dreams. “They truly believed that [I can do anything] And I've come to the point where I not only believe in that, but I can make decisions based on that as a philosophy for my entire life. ” she said kids spot australia. “That's why I don't flinch when my alarm goes off. I jump out of bed ready to take on the day because I have a chance to build the life and career I want. My body has changed over the years. It's not about winning trophies, it's about proving to myself and my kids that you can do anything you put your mind to. ”

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