Home Nutrition Some Ozempic users say it silences ‘food noise’. But there are also drug-free ways to do that

Some Ozempic users say it silences ‘food noise’. But there are also drug-free ways to do that

by Universalwellnesssystems

sound of foodOr thinking about food all the time doesn’t help anyone’s mental health or well-being.

When you get fixated on one thought (food in this case), you become so absorbed in it that it becomes very difficult to think about anything else. This is very painful.

Some people taking the diabetes drug Ozempic for weight loss report The noise and desire for food suddenly subsides. But there are other ways to maintain a healthy balance when it comes to our internal food monologue.

one track thinking

Consistently thinking about food is a common feature of eating disorders.definitely one of the main standard Your body weight, shape, and size are important in diagnosing an eating disorder. A person may or may not control food in order to make their body match their perceived appearance.

People with anorexia nervosa severely limit their food intake until the body goes into starvation mode.As a result of this deprivation, their brains always thinking About food.

People with bulimia or bulimia nervosa also think about food. include When to eat, what to eat, where to get food and where to eat.

but it is but also A person with an eating disorder who is obsessed with food. If you are on a diet, overeating, restricting your diet, or overeating, you may find yourself thinking only about food.

Easy fix?

As a clinical psychologist, I have treated many clients and helped people with eating disorders that made them think about food. They have frequently tried drugs and narcotics in an attempt to stop. ruminate on the food usually useless.

Or, for bulimia or obesity, drugs that suppress appetite are prescribed. These are effective and may help you lose a lot of weight. back again when you stop taking the medicine.

Use weight-loss drugs only if: medical supervision and some diet pills can affect heart, respiration, blood pressure, brain.

Ozempic (and similar drug Wegovy) use the ingredient semaglutide drug to evoke emotion satiety or satisfaction.Side effects of semaglutide can contain Nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhea.

Therefore, it’s important to try to develop a healthy relationship between food and your body. A combination of psychotherapy and a visit to a certified dietitian is often needed.

figure out what’s causing it

I start by asking my clients what drives their food obsession. Is it because I eat less? Not eating regularly enough? Are there strict rules or what you can and can’t eat?

Establishing a regular and appropriate diet is important so that you can nourish your body and brain and make smart decisions about the foods you eat.

In our biology, when we are hungry, think about getting food to survive. It makes us feel uneasy,I am hungry“And it can be difficult to concentrate or focus on anything other than food. Then when you eat, your brain stops sending you the message to eat, allowing you to focus again. ”

of raves model People with eating disorders are used to help people with eating disorders become in tune with their bodies, meet their needs, and establish healthy behaviors. It’s about helping people understand where their dietary rules come from, debunking diet and diet myths, and challenging unhelpful ideas about food.

With or without an eating disorder, many people experience symptoms such as: food rules When we think about what we can eat, what we can’t eat, when and how much we can eat, we become obsessed with food. Allowing yourself to eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and eat whatever you want allows your brain to think about food and things other than eating.

healthy eating concept

People who have a healthy relationship with food listen to their body’s needs. They have no dietary rules about what they can and cannot eat, and they feel comfortable in their bodies.

They can reject media and advertising about diets and ideal bodies, and respect their bodies. When I work with clients, we are committed to listening to your body, respecting its needs, and treating it appropriately. This is called having. positive body image This is an important part of treating people with body image and diet issues.

A person’s perception of their body often influences their diet. Learning to accept one’s body and taking good care of it with good nutrition is positive body image.

If you have any concerns about your relationship with food or your body, it’s a good idea to talk to your GP and get a referral to a psychologist or nutritionist. butterfly foundation It’s also an excellent resource for information on eating disorders.

Vivian LewisAssistant Professor – Psychology, University of Canberra

This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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