Home Mental Health Social Determinants of Health in MDD: Part 2

Social Determinants of Health in MDD: Part 2

by Universalwellnesssystems

Mona Chitre, PharmD, CGP: All social determinants of health have an impact and can exacerbate MDD [major depressive disorder]There is a unique relationship between MDD and social determinants of health. Social determinants of health can cause mental health disorders, and mental health disorders can cause someone to make inappropriate life decisions that cause social determinants of health.

Let’s talk about the social determinants of health. I often say it’s what’s in your environment that helps you be successful, feel good, and see a positive future. In no particular order, one is safe housing. Are there safe housing options for members? Are they in a safe community? Are they free from trauma and stress? Meals and transportation are basic. Do they know where their next meal is coming from? Do they have access to clinics and pharmacies? Income level is another. Income level generally has many factors that contribute to health inequalities. It impacts healthcare literacy, access to care and access to treatment. Are their jobs safe? Toxic environment? Is it safe?family relationship [are another factor]That’s just a few examples. Do you have a family support group? Social determinants of health can lead to mental health challenges, mental health crises, or mental health disorders.

Jay Weaver, PhD, MPH: I have to agree with Dr. Chitre. Most of what she outlined was spot on. The only thing I would like to add is some of the nutritional challenges. Foods such as high-calorie and high-carbohydrate foods are usually cheaper than high-quality foods. We also know that the amount of sugar and other things in these foods can affect our mental health. affects major depressive disorder.

Edited transcript for clarity.

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