Home Mental Health Sliker reveals true depth of gambling addiction: “I couldn’t control myself” | BeckaTV interview

Sliker reveals true depth of gambling addiction: “I couldn’t control myself” | BeckaTV interview

by Universalwellnesssystems

Kickstar’s Becca TV sat down with banned Twitch streamer Slyker to discuss the true depth of his gambling addiction and its meteoric aftermath, nearly a year after he was exposed by fans.

In September 2022, famous Twitch streamer “Sliker” was accused of defrauding fans of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Many viewers and even fellow streamers claimed to have been approached by Slyker with demands for money, and each heard a different story as to why Slyker needed the money.

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Shortly after, Srikar issued an emotional apology on live TV, tearfully admitting that he had defrauded many fans and fellow creators out of money due to his severe gambling addiction.

Instagram: SlikeR

Slyker gathered fans with his energetic variety shows, but things fell apart after his gambling addiction came to light.

The incident has sparked a backlash against Twitch for allowing gambling on its platform, with the site facing pressure from major creators like Pokimane to change its guidelines. Twitch eventually adjusted its gambling rules, but the anger against Sliker remained.

It wasn’t long before Sliker’s partnership with Twitch was canceled and the “subscribe” button was removed from his channel. Eventually, he was banned for good in January 2023 after the streamer claimed to have been “hacked.”

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Sryker seemed to have been quiet for a while after his channel gained traction, but he has been quietly streaming on Kick ever since.

Almost a year after the gambling drama took social media by storm, Kickster becca tv He had a chance to sit down with the streamer to discuss his gambling addiction and future plans.

Sliker claims he gambled all the time, including at funerals.

During the conversation, Srikar revealed the true depth of his gambling addiction. He claimed he approached everyone from prominent streamers to viewers and even his own family and lied about why he needed the money and where the money would go.

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“I was a gambling addict,” he admitted. “I was gambling a lot of money every day, so I cheated a lot of people to further fuel my addiction. It’s money. I went to streamers, I went to every streamer I’ve ever known. I’d ask anyone like xQc or Mizkif. Dear my viewers. Friends and family. I will ask you.”

“I even cheated on my parents. My dad…would realize the money was gone, but I’d lie to him and say, ‘Oh, I paid the taxes, I’ll pay you back later.’ ”

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Slyker said he gambled constantly, whether in the hospital, streaming or attending a funeral.

“It was weird. It’s weird what that does to you,” he explained. “I was betting 365 on the right side and watching the video. …It’s weird, but it also makes me angry.”

“I was always going to funerals and hospitals. 24/7. Shit, hospitals, showers. …Everywhere you can think of. Name one place, and I’m in on it. On a plane to America. has Wi-Fi 3G and I’m betting on it.”

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Sliker reveals how gambling addiction affects mental health

Mr Srikar said his addiction had had a devastating effect on his mental health. According to the streamer, he would bang his head against a wall when he lost a bet, and his constant need to gamble led him to consider self-harm.

“I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t stop myself. I know I’m an adult, I’m 28 years old…I know it sounds stupid, stupid, but , I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t. I wanted to. I had to, you know?”

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“Once upon a time I [out] Money makes you cry, but once you hop on and play, the tears disappear. And I’m on board with it and excited. Because in my heart, I feel like I’m going to win. I’m going to bet, and I’m going to sit back and entertain myself. ”

“When I face reality and I’m defeated, I get into bed, clench my fists, hit the pillow, bang my head against the wall. It wasn’t like that at first. Eventually I just go outside and say, ‘Go away. I started thinking, “I want to put it away.” There would have been suicidal thoughts. I have a lot of suicidal thoughts. ”

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Itsslicker, TwitchSliker claimed that his gambling addiction controlled every moment of his life.

Sliker said his family no longer trusts him because of his gambling addiction. In fact, he claims that his name has been removed from his home and that his family even controls his bank card.

“He lost all credibility. [in me]” Srikar said of his father. “The house was going to be in my name. I heard him say something like, “Hey!” …Since then, my girlfriend’s sister has been in charge of my bank card. ”

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Sliker “want to right the wrong”

After his gambling addiction was revealed, prominent streamers xQc and Ludwig offered to repay Sliker’s fraud victims a total of approximately $300,000. However, Srikar said some victims did not accept the money and wanted them to pay it themselves. He also claims that the amount he defrauded was “definitely more” than the $300,000 figure xQc tweeted.

Mr Srikar admitted he had considered ending his life as an “escape route”, but this was not the case for his victims, some of whom had “sold their things” to get money for him. I realized that it was unfair to some people (some people) and felt it was necessary to do so. make things right.

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Slyker Papa Interview DexertoInstagram: sliker0161

Srikar claimed that her father’s trust had been damaged due to his gambling addiction.

“When I started working a normal job and started sitting down, I realized, oh my god, I might kill myself,” he said. “But it didn’t matter, because the people I robbed were selling their stuff to give me money. And they could have committed suicide.” They may have gone through three, four, or even 100 times more pain than I went through.”

Sliker said that through his own efforts and the help of other streamers, much of his debt has been cleared, but he still owes money to several people. In fact, Sliker says he keeps a document on his PC at home with a list of everyone who still owes money, and he tracks it closely.

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Kick gives sliders more “freedom” than twitch after permanent banishment

After seeking therapy and trying to pay off his debts, the streamer is now streaming on Kick, which he feels is “more free” than on Twitch.

“When I was a Twitch streamer, [it was like]”I didn’t mean it that way, I didn’t mean it that way, I’m so sorry,” he said, referring to Twitch’s relatively strict guidelines in contrast to Kick’s guidelines. “When you’re at Kick, you don’t have to worry about it, because community is what’s important at Kick.”

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Despite having issues with Twitch and claiming the platform is showing “favoritism,” Slyker says he “hates Twitch” because the website helped launch his career. He says he can’t become one.

Now, Srikar is looking forward to the future and wants to make amends with those he wronged before focusing on becoming a full-time IRL streamer.

“Of course, at this point in my life, I want to right my wrongs,” he said. “I know I can do it because I only have negative thoughts about gambling. When I think about gambling, I think this is what I was given.”

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“When I was streaming on Twitch, I wasn’t doing as much as I could. And of course, that’s because I don’t have money. [I was] I end up spending it all on gambling. I wanted to commit myself as an IRL streamer. …Ultimately, that’s how I want to see myself. ”

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