Home Nutrition Skipping Meals May Take Years off Your Life, Study Finds—Here’s What to Know

Skipping Meals May Take Years off Your Life, Study Finds—Here’s What to Know

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Studies have found that skipping meals can lead to premature death.

  • Researchers found that skipping breakfast was associated with an “increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.”

  • A nutritionist discusses the findings and limitations of the study.

We’ve heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it may actually be even more important than previously thought, according to a study published in the journal. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticsexamined Effects of skipping meals Meal frequency associated with mortality and heart health.

The study, published in August of this year, explores whether eating behaviors such as meal frequency, meal skipping, and time between meals are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. I tried to find out

The study consisted of 24,011 adults aged 40 and over who participated between 1999 and 2014. Causes of death were tracked via death records up to December 31, 2015.

After years of studying participants, researchers found that certain eating behaviors were actually associated with increased premature mortality. and cardiovascular disease mortality, with skipping breakfast increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality and skipping lunch or dinner increasing the risk of all-cause mortality. Being too close together (less than 4.5 hours apart) was also found to be associated with premature death from all causes.

The study notes that 40% of Americans skip meals, and 1 in 5 between the ages of 20 and 74 skip breakfast or lunch, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). and reiterates the importance of this study.

So what does this mean for the average person? “At the end of the day, what matters is that individuals are able to meet their nutritional needs for optimal health,” he explains. Keri Gans, RDNauthor small change diet and podcast host Keri report. “By skipping meals, you miss out on the vital nutrients your body needs, which can be detrimental to your health in the long run, increasing your risk of certain cancers and heart disease,” she said. say.

While the study certainly has its limitations, Gans said, “Breakfast is usually a good vehicle for nutrients associated with lower cardiovascular risk, such as fiber and vitamins C, E, and D.”For example: “Milk oatmeal topped with strawberries and almonds is an ideal heart-protecting breakfast. Other potential risks of skipping breakfast include weight gain and osteoporosis.” but research is progressing No Decisive,” she warns.

The researchers pointed to similar reasons why skipping meals could lead to findings, including unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, overeating, and eating high-calorie meals.

While this study was extensive and comprehensive in many respects, it also had many limitations. It was primarily based on 24-hour self-reported food recall. “Participants may not remember exactly what they ate or may not report truthfully, which can lead to misinformation.” , and many other unmeasured factors (such as pre-existing conditions) are impossible to consider.

The bottom line is that while these findings on the relationship between skipping meals and mortality are important, there are many other factors that contribute to premature death. Consuming adequate nutrients, including those found in fruits and vegetables, is key to maintaining overall health and reducing the risk of potentially life-shortening illnesses.

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