Home Fitness Six Minutes of Intense Exercise Boosts a Crucial Molecule in Your Brain : ScienceAlert

Six Minutes of Intense Exercise Boosts a Crucial Molecule in Your Brain : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Six minutes of high-intensity exercise is enough to produce important proteins in the brain that are important for brain formation, function and memory. involved in the progress of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease disease.

The specialized protein in question, called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), promotes both the growth and survival of neuronal cells in the brain, as well as the development of new links and signaling pathways.

“BDNF has shown great potential in animal models, but pharmaceutical interventions have so far failed to harness the protective power of BDNF safely in humans. Environmental physiologist Travis Gibbons saysfrom the University of Otago, New Zealand.

“We recognized the need to explore non-pharmacological approaches that could preserve the brain’s ability to be used by humans to naturally increase BDNF to aid in healthy aging.”

In this study, 12 physically active volunteers (ages 18 to 56) underwent the three tests best suited to producing BDNF in the brain: 20 hours of fasting, 90 minutes of fasting. or 6 minutes of vigorous cycling.

A short and intense burst of cycling showed the best results in terms of BDNF production. In fact, his BDNF levels in his blood increased by a factor of 4 or 5 compared to a slight increase after light exercise, and fasting had no change.

My next question is why is this happening? It is the subject of subsequent research. Ultimately, high-intensity exercise could be used as a convenient and inexpensive way to keep the brain healthy and prevent disease from developing.

A spontaneous exercise-induced increase in platelets may explain these findings. Platelets store large amounts of BDNF and may be responsible for spikes consistent with vigorous cycling.

Alternatively, the increase could be caused by the brain switching fuel sources after strenuous exercise, forcing the body to consume lactic acid instead of glucose stores, the researchers say.

“This substrate switch enables the brain to utilize alternative fuels and initiates the production of key neurotrophic factors such as BDNF.” Gibbons says.

The team is now keen to add more experiments to the mix, such as fasting for three full days, to see how this affects BDNF levels in the blood. effects are another potential avenue to explore.

We are currently conducting a number of studies linking exercise with the benefits seen in the brain. improve concentration or boost cognitive functionthere may be more discoveries in the future.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that exercise benefits brain health at all stages of life.” kate thomas saysExercise Physiologist and Research Author at the University of Otago.

“These data point to one way in which vigorous exercise may play a role. Fortunately, exercise is widely accessible, equitable, and affordable.”

This research Journal of Physiology.

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