Home Fitness Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Melanie Foo

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Melanie Foo

by Universalwellnesssystems

This week’s Singapore #Fitspo Melanie Fu is an entrepreneur. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

Life is more than the scale, and your body is capable of so much more. Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to inspiring men and women in Singapore who live healthy and active lifestyles. Is there anyone you can recommend?strike Cheryl On top of that Instagram or Facebook!

name: Melanie Hu (@baby mary)

Year: 33

height: 1.54 meters

weight: 48kg

Profession: entrepreneur

situation: married and has a daughter

food: I don’t go on a diet. I tried it and binge-eaten it within 4 hours, hahaha. So I just try to remember everything in moderation. I’m a huge carb and snack eater, so I basically eat whatever I want, whenever I want. An example of my daily diet is as follows.

8am – Breakfast: Two boiled eggs, peanut butter and buttered toast (because butter is life), and a warm latte.

12pm – Lunch: Air-fried cauliflower skin with cauliflower

4pm – Tea: Pandan waffles with peanut butter and butter (again, butter is life) and cappuccino

8:30pm – Dinner: Air-fried crispy skin salmon with sweet sauce and sautéed long beans

9pm – Dessert: nata de coco yogurt

You always need to feel full to fall asleep, so if you go to bed late, eat a cookie and milk before bed. If I don’t do that, I won’t be able to sleep.

exercise: I started my own yoga and fitness studio, Warrior Studios, on Hong Kong Street. I teach there on Fridays and also do independent practice here and there. Other than that, my husband and I go to BFT about 4-5 times a week. #Couple goals

Melanie founded her own yoga and fitness studio, Warrior Studio, on Hong Kong Street. Melanie founded her own yoga and fitness studio, Warrior Studio, on Hong Kong Street.

Melanie founded her own yoga and fitness studio, Warrior Studio, on Hong Kong Street. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

Q: Did you already play sports when you were young?

A: My father was and is a real sportsman, so I was very active. I was passionate about almost everything, including soccer, netball, basketball, softball, swimming (although I didn’t like this), rock climbing, rappelling, sailing, windsurfing, rowing, gymnastics, ballet, and hurdles. He was also a member of the track and field team. And sprint.

What have you become more passionate about as you get older?

In my 20s, I was into long-distance running, yoga, Pilates, CrossFit, and strength training. I rock climb all over the place. Currently doing stunt training and wire work at the Sandbox Training Ground. I hope to obtain my AMCP (Actors Martial Arts Proficiency Program) Level 1 rating and Stripe 1 Wire Rider Action Performer certification soon.

What made you start yoga?

I was actually a Forex broker for about 7 years. It was a pretty tough industry. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally stressed and did very little exercise during that period.

I think that’s what inspired me to quit and start working out again because it was too overwhelming. Since I had a year’s notice, I decided to join Virgin Active and give a yoga class a try. And I never expected to fall in love with a yoga class.

When did you decide to teach yoga?

So after I quit my job, I decided to take a break for a while. I went to Japan for a little over a month (I went snowboarding in Tokyo and Hakuba), and when I came back feeling refreshed, I decided to sign up for a full-time yoga teacher training course.

Melanie started yoga after working as a Forex broker for several years. Melanie started yoga after working as a Forex broker for several years.

Melanie started yoga after working as a Forex broker for several years. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

It was a very intense month, so I had no intention of teaching yoga. But somehow an opportunity came along and I was encouraged to teach corporate classes and groups of friends for fun. I realized that even if I was physically tired, teaching would give me energy from within.

What inspired you to open your own yoga studio?

I think it was literally, “If not now, then when?” Ahaha! I’ve always envisioned creating a space where I could grow a community of like-minded people, whether it’s fitness or motherhood.

Believe it or not, I’m actually an introvert. But in a safe space, I can be very extroverted. That’s what I wish I could have created for the Warriors :’)

How has motherhood changed you?

It disgusted me. just kidding. In fact, becoming a mother has made me want to be fitter and healthier. Luna is like a little koala, she clings to me forever and wants me to carry her. Strength training definitely helped with that.

You can also continue doing fun things with her when she gets older, like hiking to Annapurna Base Camp, riding crazy roller coasters, skydiving, jumping off cliffs, and having a blast at ZoukOut together. Like, I want to make sure I’m healthy. #Mom-daughter goals

Did you experience anything that made you feel insecure about yourself when you were younger?

Yes, but it’s a very funny story in retrospect. I think it was around 2014 or 2015, I was participating in 50 Gorgeous Women and there was an event. Before the event, I went to Japan with my family and had dinner at a great izakaya. Both of my brothers were on their third or fourth bowl of rice, and I had just finished my first bowl.

As I was about to order my second drink, my mom said, “Mel, oh, you shouldn’t eat anymore. You’ve gained weight. That happened.” I just sat there in silence as her tears rolled down my cheeks (lol).

Obviously I was devastated at the time, but I find it funny now. Because honestly, I was never “fat” and I know that her mother meant well, not maliciously. i love you mom.

Becoming a mother made Melanie determined to become fitter and healthier.Becoming a mother made Melanie determined to become fitter and healthier.

Becoming a mother made Melanie determined to become fitter and healthier. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

When was the last time you felt least confident?

The time when I lost confidence in myself the most was when I was about 6 months postpartum. I went into the shoot without doing any exercise since she gave birth. After looking at the photo, I felt like I had liberated myself. I didn’t realize it because I was always thinking about Luna, but I completely ignored my body and mind.

I told myself “no” and signed up for BFT. I followed the routine from the moment I signed up and eventually got back in shape.

Are you satisfied with your body now?

I don’t mean to brag, but I actually think I look pretty good haha! But personally, I don’t think I will ever be completely satisfied or satisfied with myself.

I think it’s my nature to always strive for something more. It keeps pushing me and I always try to never get complacent, especially when it comes to my health and body.

Do you have any comments about your body?

In fact, it is. The main feedback I receive from people who follow me on Instagram but are meeting me for the first time is, “Wow! I had no idea you were that short!”

But I’m totally fine with it, I love being “short”. I’m a pocket rocket, well, good things come in small packages, right?

If you could change anything about yourself, would you?

Hmm, I’m not an OCD perfectionist and I want to learn to trust others and ask for help. At work and at home, I have the “problem” of thinking that no one can do things the way I want, or at least not as efficiently, so I always end up doing everything myself and end up being very It doesn’t work. I’m tired a lot of the time.

This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Melanie Fu.This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Melanie Fu.

This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Melanie Fu. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

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