Home Fitness Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Gene Leck

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Gene Leck

by Universalwellnesssystems

Gene Wreck is a student. (Photo: Sheryl Tay)

Life goes beyond the numbers on the scale and your body is capable of so much more! Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is full of inspiration from Singapore leading a healthy and active lifestyle. Dedicated to men and women. Anyone have a recommendation?strike Cheryl Moreover Instagram Also Facebook!

name: Gene Lek Yuan Jie (@genejie)

Year: twenty four

height: 1.69m

weight: 60kg

Profession: student

situation: Single (but married to hockey)

food: I’m not too strict with my diet and I’m not too picky about food. I try to incorporate a carb base, along with some protein (I love meat) and some veggies.

exercise: I train 5 times a week. 3 pitch sessions and 2 gym sessions. But now he’s injured, so he only trains once on the pitch and he goes to the gym three times a week to rehabilitate.

Q: Were you an active child?

A: Yes! I grew up as a girl who played catch with my brothers and cousins ​​and played soccer together on empty decks. Then in elementary school, I started playing basketball as a CCA (influenced by her older brother who was in the CCA at the time).

Gene represented Singapore in field hockey at the SEA Games.

Gene represented Singapore in field hockey at the SEA Games. (Photo: Sheryl Tay)

What made you start playing hockey?

I was in the basketball CCA until 4th grade when I realized the club had closed because there was no coach. I was pretty tall growing up, so my CCA hockey teacher always asked me if I wanted to join hockey.

So when the basketball CCA closed, I accepted the offer to join hockey. The rest is history! See where I am today.

When did you start playing hockey?

In 2011, he represented his country for the first time in the U18 Asian Cup age group tournament held in Thailand. In 2012, he made his debut for the senior team in the first leg of the World League held in Kuantan, Malaysia.

what do you like about hockey?

There are several. First, I love that it’s my safe haven and outlet for release, especially in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. You feel happy, as if you can forget everything else in a few hours of playing.

Secondly, I love that I now have a lot of sisters (teammates) who are very close and enjoy spending time together outside of training. Finally, and very clichéd, I love that hockey has taught me so many values ​​and life lessons.

Gene cites qualifying for the Asian Games as one of the highlights of his hockey career.

Gene cites qualifying for the Asian Games as one of the highlights of his hockey career. (Photo: Sheryl Tay)

What are your career highlights?

There are a few that come to mind:

  1. In 2017, I made a team for the Southeast Asian Games. That year, I had just returned from a long vacation to concentrate on my studies. I tried both his 2013 edition and his 2015 edition, but didn’t make it to both teams. So building a team in 2017 meant a lot to me. Because it felt like all my hard work and hard work over the years had finally paid off. Of course, it got even sweeter when I came home with my medal. Got Bronze!

  2. This was recently, a qualifier for the Asian Games. In June of this year, he finished 3rd in the qualifying rounds for the Asian Games held in Jakarta. Playing in the Asian Games has always been my career goal, so qualifying with my teammates was like a step closer to realizing my dream of playing in the Asian Games.

Conversely, what are the issues facing the national polity?

I don’t think I have enough time to do all the things I want to do. Since we spend most of our nights training (it’s a choice and I love my choices) sometimes we don’t have enough time.

Did something happen when you were younger that made you lack self-confidence?

I was pretty apprehensive about how I dropped out of Junior College (JC). I always felt that I needed to prove to others that I was not a failure. At the time, I don’t think it helped that they said, “Aiyo wasted two years.”

For a very long time it always haunted me and I felt like people were judging me. I was. Just because the JC curriculum wasn’t for me doesn’t mean I failed. It motivated me to understand my strengths and what I enjoy, and it honestly led to one of the best decisions of my life: studying mass communication.

Jean believes that loving your body is always a process, and that there are ups and downs.

Jean believes that loving your body is always a process, and there are ups and downs.(Photo: Cheryl Tay)

Have you ever fought with your body?

I think it was probably after the ‘O’ level. I took a few months break to focus on my studies.When I study, I tend to emphasize eating a lot.I naturally gained weight and became a little chubby.

I knew I needed to lose weight for training, so it was a very tough few months when I tried to watch my diet a little more carefully. I even had to go to training. Ultimately, my training load and increased diet made me weigh less and leaner than before.

Are you happy with your body now?

Some days I have it, some days I don’t. But body image and loving your body is always a work in progress. I went through the clean eating phase last May and lost a lot of weight to be much leaner than before.

But now that most of it is back and normal activities are back, I find it difficult to eat cleanly and enthusiastically like I used to. , some of the weight I lost came back. I’m also not as skinny as I was back then.

So one day I looked back and wished I was skinny forever, but I told myself it was okay not to be so skinny and learned to just enjoy life and enjoy food. I’m drowning.

Have you ever received any comments about your body?

I’ve heard people call me Raitomo. But as the years went by, I came to appreciate my body and my thighs because I’ve been training so hard for them, which play such an important role as a hockey player.

I’ve learned to appreciate my body and appreciate it for serving me when I get the chance, so I won’t change my thigh size at all.

Singapore #Fitzpo this week: Gene Wreck.  (Photo: Sheryl Tay)

Singapore #Fitzpo this week: Gene Wreck. (Photo: Sheryl Tay)

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