Home Fitness Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Elise Poh

Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Elise Poh

by Universalwellnesssystems

This week in Singapore #Fitspo Elise Poh works as an anti-bribery and corruption compliance officer at a bank. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

Life is more than the scale, and your body is capable of so much more. Yahoo’s #Fitspo of the Week series is dedicated to inspiring men and women in Singapore who live healthy and active lifestyles. Is there anyone you can recommend?strike Cheryl On top of that Instagram or Facebook!

name: Elise Poe (@lissy25)

Year: 38

height: 1.60m

weight: 51kg

Profession: Bank Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Compliance Executive

situation: married with three children

food: I don’t follow any special diet, but I generally try to cut down on carbs (though I love bread), cut down on fried foods, and eat clean, healthy foods instead. I’m trying to incorporate more protein-rich foods because I’m trying to build leaner muscles in hopes of looking more toned. I also sometimes have snacks and indulge.

exercise: I lead a fairly active lifestyle while balancing work and family. After I drop my kids off at school in the morning, I go to a functional training class at least four times a week before work. We offer classes that combine cardio and strength training.

I also participate in a two-hour social netball training session once a week in the evening after work, yoga at lunchtime once a week, and boxing. When time and weather permit, I usually take a short run from home to my kids’ enrichment class while my husband takes them to school. That’s about 4km a week.

Q: Were you active in sports when you were younger?

A: Yes, I have always loved the outdoors and been active since I was young. When I was younger, I also tried a variety of sports, including running, hiking, trekking, wakeboarding, golf, and stand-up paddling. Even in middle school he was on the netball team for four years and trained for zone and national level.

When Elise was younger, she competed in half and full marathons. When Elise was younger, she competed in half and full marathons.

When Elise was younger, she competed in half and full marathons. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

What have you become more passionate about as you get older?

When I started working in the CBD, I had a gym membership as it was in the same building and I went to lunch classes every day. During the pandemic, I canceled my gym membership and started training at home. I also did occasional rhythm cycling, Pilates, and hot yoga sessions.

Lately, I’ve been into Body Fit Training (BFT), which is 50 minutes of various cardio and strength training exercises. It’s so close to my office and home that it’s more sustainable to keep working out, so it’s really important that it fits into my schedule. As a working mother juggling the demands of life, this is the most practical form of exercise that maximizes my heart rate in a short amount of time.

You used to run a lot and participate in marathons.

I was running 10km almost every week to train for a half or full marathon. I especially enjoyed participating in mass run events because I like the atmosphere where people from all walks of life run together.

I always participated in these runs and eventually got to check off completing a marathon on my lifelong goal list. I always participate in such runs alone because running is a very personal thing and I don’t feel the need to wait for someone to join me.

How has your approach to running changed after giving birth?

Pregnancy and childbirth changed my running journey so much that I had to stop running completely, as I was pregnant with twins first (as they were considered high risk), but occasionally to stay healthy. I went to the gym.

After the birth of her child, Elise had to adjust her running and training habits.After the birth of her child, Elise had to adjust her running and training habits.

After the birth of her child, Elise had to adjust her running and training habits. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

After giving birth, I didn’t have much time to train or get back to running because my hands were tied. Being a first-time mom, she was taking care of two babies at the same time, but mainly took her 30-minute home workouts and gym classes to stay active and not feel sluggish. . I remember back then, it was hard for both of us to pump every 3 hours to get enough milk.

I had some complications with my second pregnancy and couldn’t even go to the gym. Since then, I have stopped running long distances. For me it’s more than 8km.

You gradually start running again and get the kids involved too.

I like running quietly because running alone helps me clear my head, especially after a long day at work. While running, I listen to work-related and life-enhancing podcasts. It helps you take your mind off everyday stressors, and you get something good out of running (like learning something new or the latest trends), so you feel glad you didn’t waste your time running. I did.

As an active mother, I like exposing my children to different outdoor activities and sports as I believe it is important for their development and bonding.

I happened to come across the Great Eastern Women’s Run 2km Mummy + Me category. This was my first time running with my daughter, and I thought it would be a meaningful and fun event to participate in with her. Even without her other siblings (as they are all boys) the two of us bond.

I’m looking forward to spending time alone with my girlfriend at the race, and she’s just as excited to be there as she feels this race is special to women only. I think.

How do you balance work, fitness, family, and personal life?

I think this is all a matter of mindset. Sometimes you have to remind yourself to be there for the kids or work. Then, naturally, somehow you will find a balance.

Finding a time to work out that fits into your current schedule (location and time) is critical because it allows you to stick to your routine while maintaining an active lifestyle.

Elise believes it's all about mindset when balancing work, fitness, family and personal life. Elise believes it's all about mindset when balancing work, fitness, family and personal life.

Elise believes it’s all about mindset when balancing work, fitness, family and personal life. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

We also stay healthy and active to ensure we have the energy and stamina to maintain and balance various aspects of our lives. Carrying three children is difficult.

When was the last time you felt least confident?

I always grew up with an ideal body type in mind and always pursued that ideal body type and felt the need to stay in shape or slim down, which was easier when I was younger.

After giving birth, my body changed, especially after having twins. Like many other mothers, I’ve had sagging skin and stretch marks, but these things don’t go away no matter how much I exercise or try to tone my body, so I’m not sure if I’m right. I became more conscious of my body.

But after becoming a mother, my priorities changed and I slowly learned to accept the way my body looked. Now the happiness of my family is most important to me and I have become more gentle with my expectations. I think as long as you’re fit and healthy, that’s all that matters.

Are you satisfied with your body now?

I think this is an eternal battle. Personally, I feel more satisfied and confident after incorporating weight training and strength training and gaining more toned and defined muscles, but I sometimes find that loose skin after pregnancy bothers me. there is.

Do you have any comments about your body?

People usually comment kindly to me. Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot of positive comments about how I look toned, but I’m still on the road to living up to expectations and accepting those compliments.

If you could change anything about yourself, would you?

I’m pretty happy with my life right now, but if I could go back to when I was younger and perhaps more adventurous, I would love to be a wildlife photographer or something sport-related. I would like to pursue a career related to or sports.

It would be great to be able to combine both my passion and money into a career, but it’s too late to question that now, so I’m happy with where I am now.

This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Elise Poh.  (Photo: Cheryl Tay)This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Elise Poh.  (Photo: Cheryl Tay)

This week in Singapore #Fitspo: Elise Poh. (Photo: Cheryl Tay) (Cheryl Tay)

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