Home Health Care Singapore developing digital platform for mental health care integration, coordination, data sharing

Singapore developing digital platform for mental health care integration, coordination, data sharing

by Universalwellnesssystems

Singapore’s Ministry of Health’s Healthcare Transformation Authority is building a digital platform to facilitate the integration of mental health support services provided by the country’s more than 450 health and social services agencies.

The Digital Mental Health Connect (DMHC) platform enables clinicians and counselors from various health and social care settings to “seamlessly” refer patients and clients to each other. Based on their needs, preferences and risk level, they will be referred to appropriate services.

The platform will be integrated into existing social and medical case management systems to “facilitate care integration, coordination, and data sharing.”

larger context

The development of the DMHC is part of a wider range of projects and initiatives outlined in a recently published Singapore report. National Mental Health and Welfare Strategy. The strategy, developed by the Interagency Task Force on Mental Health and Wellbeing, ultimately aims to ensure that people with mental health needs “seek help early without stigma and receive immediate support for recovery.” Our goal is to foster an effective mental health ecosystem that is accessible to all.

The strategy covers four key areas to support and improve people’s mental health and wellbeing.

  • Expand capacity for mental health services.

  • Strengthen service providers’ capacity for early detection and intervention.

  • Promote mental health and well-being.and

  • Improve mental health and wellbeing at work.

In pursuing this strategy, Singapore is currently implementing a tiered care model to “better organize mental health services across the health and social sectors according to the severity of an individual’s mental health needs.” It has been introduced. A common IT platform and guidelines for sharing mental health data will also be developed to support this.

Additionally, the incoming National Mental Health Authority, which will oversee implementation of the strategy, will establish a technology assessment framework for existing and emerging digital mental health solutions. This helps offices approve and regulate appropriate solutions based on cost-effectiveness, safety, and sustainability considerations.

On record

“The National Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy addresses mental health issues consistently and holistically, both in terms of prevention and treatment, and through schools, communities and workplaces. “A whole-of-society approach is needed to tackle the disease and improve the mental well-being of the population,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement about the strategy.

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