Home Fitness Simple every day activities to burn calories without breaking a sweat

Simple every day activities to burn calories without breaking a sweat

by Universalwellnesssystems


Losing weight can be difficult, and it requires discipline.

But when combined with a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise, a variety of amazing actions can help move the needle on the scale.

“Successful weight loss is a journey that requires dedication and patience,” says Michael Hamlin, a Canadian-based personal trainer and founder of Everflex Fitness with over 15 years of experience in the field. ” he said.

“Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are essential, but incorporating unexpected and fun activities into your daily routine will help you burn more calories and stay motivated on your path to a happier, healthier you.” “We can do that,” Hamlin told FOX News Digital.

Here are 10 slightly unusual or perhaps lesser-known ways to burn more calories throughout the day. All are easy to do.

1. Laugh more

Here's a fun way to burn calories: “Research shows that laughing for just 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn up to 40 calories. Laughing causes your body's muscles to contract and expand, increasing your heart rate and oxygen consumption.” said Hamlin.

Laughter reduces stress, which in turn lowers cortisol levels. Getty Images

Hamlin added that laughing can cause your body to burn more calories than when you're resting.

“Additionally, laughing can lower stress levels and lower levels of the hormone cortisol in the body,” he continued/

He said high levels of cortisol are associated with weight gain.

2. Park far away from your destination

Parking further away will make your day more fulfilling. Getty Images

Andrew Blakey, head trainer at Toronto's Your Future Fitness, advocates getting off transit farther from your destination or parking your car in a spot that requires more walking.

“When it comes to weight loss, small habits tend to add up,” Blakey says.

“Just parking farther away or getting off at the subway or transit station earlier than usual can be enough to make your day more mobile,” Blakey says.

“Not only will you take more steps, but it will also increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to your brain, making you more productive when you go to work,” he added.

3. Walk after dinner

A brisk walk after a meal is more effective at burning calories than lounging on the couch. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Instead of sitting a little longer after a meal, try lacing up your shoes and taking a brisk walk.

Ann Murray, fitness trainer and owner of Nourished by Anne LLC in Austin, says, “Walking after a meal sends energy directly from the food to your cells, reduces the postprandial rise in blood sugar levels, and gives you that energy right away.'' It will be used for,” he says. Texas.

Experts say just walking around the block or back to your driveway is better than doing nothing.

And when you leave the house, you may surprise yourself by walking longer than you expected.

Bria Gadd, a Toronto-based integrative nutritionist, agreed.

He is also a holistic health coach and personal trainer, and hosts “The Period Whisperer Podcast.”

“10 minutes of physical activity after a meal will significantly reduce the spike in blood sugar levels in your body, reducing strain on your body and allowing your body to respond more efficiently to digestion and shift into fat-burning mode.'' '' Gadd told FOX News Digital.

4. Do housework

Doing chores around the house is a great way to get your body moving and burn calories. Getty Images

Even small tasks like putting out recycled items or folding laundry can get you moving.

For example, WebMD reports that vacuuming for 30 minutes can “burn 99 calories if you weigh 120 pounds, 124 calories if you weigh 150 pounds, and 166 calories if you weigh 200 pounds.”

In 2021, a health news site said that mowing the lawn for 30 minutes can burn up to 200 calories for a person weighing 185 pounds.

But as health coach Fran Kilinski points out, if you want to lose a lot of weight, you need to put in the effort.

“Weight loss and the rate at which you lose weight is determined by many factors, including consistent exercise, diet, meal timing, metabolism, and genetics,” says Chris, owner of New York-based wellness brand Revolution Athletics. Mr. Kilinsky, who wrote the following article, says: Substack's High Performance Health Newsletter.

“But rather than focusing on restrictive diets or grueling training, it may make more sense to focus on boosting your metabolism with non-exercise activities, such as doing housework or walking the dog. “Hmm,” he said.

5. Walk around the house

Walking around your home or office will soften your muscles. Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you arrive early to meet a friend for lunch, try taking a walk around your apartment, office, or city.

“Pacing is another strange but effective habit for promoting weight loss,” Kilinsky says.

“Although usually associated with anxiety and worry, pacing can actually help you take extra steps, keep your body temperature high, and even help prevent stiffening of the joints in your lower extremities.”

Kilinsky added that people who go to the gym in the evening may also try to keep up their pace throughout the day to keep their muscles flexible.

6. Take a deep breath

Deep breathing can help you manage stress and keep your body relaxed and away from storing excess calories in your emergency store. Getty Images

Gadd says taking four to five slow, deep breaths before a meal can have a big impact on your body's ability to burn calories and store calories.

“Conscious breathing helps calm the central nervous system and protects the body from fight or flight mode, where the focus is on conserving calories to cope with the current stressful situation,” she says. said.

“Eating and drinking in a quiet place keeps your metabolism in calorie-burning mode,” Gadd added.

7. Take a cold shower

It is believed that when you soak in cold water, your body burns certain fats to generate heat. Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you can tolerate washing in cold water, consider this tip from Hamlin.

“When we're exposed to cold temperatures, our bodies produce two types of fat cells: white fat and brown fat,” Hamlin says.

“Cold showers are thought to burn calories and activate brown fat to generate heat and maintain core body temperature,” he says.

Hamlin says the process of cold showering is known as thermogenesis, which helps increase the number of calories your body burns throughout the day.

8. Do calf raises while cooking

For calf raises, stand up on your toes and slowly lower your body to the ground. Getty Images

Karisa Karmali, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, uses a workout called calf raises when she cooks.

“When I'm preparing something in the kitchen, such as a meal or snack, I do calf raises while standing. This is a low-impact exercise that you can do while doing errands around the house,'' says Self. says Karmali, founder of . Canadian love and fitness.

To perform a calf raise, simply stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and slowly lower yourself to the floor on your toes, she said.

Bonus idea: When Karmali feels extra lazy and ready for bed, instead of skipping training altogether, she does flutter kicks, leg raises, and glute bridges (about 20 of each) in her pajamas.

9. Get enough sleep

Sleep can suppress cortisol. Getty Images

According to Murray, during sleep, your body goes into repair and recovery mode.

“When you sleep better, your hormones function better,” she said, “and you're less likely to overeat.”

Also, “the stress hormone cortisol doesn't get that high either. Excess cortisol can lead to fat gain.”

10. Set a daily step goal on your smartwatch

It's easy to forget to take steps throughout the day, but a smartwatch can remind you. Getty Images

Blakey recommends doing this to remind yourself when to get up and walk around.

“The reason many people don't get enough steps in a day is often simply because they don't think about it,” he says.

“Setting your watch to beep at a specific step goal per hour is easy and effective to help encourage additional steps (burning more calories) throughout the day. ” he said.

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