Home Fitness Silent Walks: The Benefits of this Mind-Soothing Trend

Silent Walks: The Benefits of this Mind-Soothing Trend

by Universalwellnesssystems
IIf you’re looking for a new way to exercise, TikTok is always here to help. From sexy girl walks to 3-2-8 workouts and trampoline routines, there’s no shortage of fun ideas. His latest work is “Silent Walk”.

a quiet walk Take a walk alone without any distractions, like your dog barking, a podcast playing, or a friend’s latest gossip. In other words, it’s a moving meditation that eliminates anxiety. Considering that we are exposed to so many distractions every day, this may be the part of the day you are actually dedicating to yourself…to be with yourself.

Roots of Buddhist meditation

Silent walks are popular on TikTok right now, but the idea is far from new and has its roots in Buddhism. Silent walk meditation Key parts of Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh’s lessons. He believed that it is of utmost importance to incorporate peace into all our actions, including walking.

Furthermore, the value of walking meditation is that taught in some schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhist teachers will tell you that this is a great way to practice being aware, mindful, grateful, and living in the moment. Furthermore, the Buddha himself is said to have one. advocated walking meditation It can help improve your physical health and improve your meditation, among other perks.

According to psychologists, its benefits

Quiet workouts (like restorative yoga) can help reduce stress and increase body awareness, but what about a completely silent workout? From a psychologist’s perspective, quiet walking meditation can vary It helps your mind and mood in many ways.

improve attentiveness

First, walking quietly helps you really concentrate. “Unless you’re using your phone, talking to someone, or listening to a podcast, your attention isn’t divided,” says Samantha Gambino, Ph.D., PsyD. strong + considerateis a consulting company focused on mental health in the workplace. “This creates space for you to focus your attention on different things.”

For example, she says, you can use your five senses to take in your surroundings and listen to how your body feels.

Emotional check-in possible

For many of us, our days are filled with work, study, caring for family, spending time with friends, cleaning, and more. By taking a quiet walk, you can give yourself the gift of time to relax and check in to see if you’re okay.

“It may be a time to understand how you’re feeling, how your day is going, if you’re worried about anything, etc. that will help you get in tune with yourself and your emotions.” Dr. Gambino says. “You can also use the time to reflect on a particular situation or assess how you feel about something that happened that day or week.”

And in a fast-paced world, she points out, we need to be intentional with ourselves.

Provides an opportunity to experience nature

Being outdoors has a truly amazing effect on our health. “Nature has so many positive effects on both our physical and mental health. By taking a peaceful walk, you can experience these benefits,” says Dr. Gambino .

Science backs this up. She points to Research review This suggests that time spent in nature increases happiness and positive emotions, reduces stress, and helps people feel more meaning and purpose in life.

Additionally, walking near water can cause a “blue space effect.” Essentially, According to research Being near water can improve your mood and lower your stress levels.

Allows you to connect with your natural rhythm

Our bodies love and crave rhythm.in the book What Happened to You?: Conversations about Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, child psychiatrist and neuroscientist Bruce Perry writes: People all over the world can probably think of something rhythmic that makes them feel good. It could be walking, swimming, music, dancing, or the sound of waves crashing on the beach. ” The soothing rhythm of footsteps, even if you are not paying direct attention to them.

Provides space for your mind to wander

Hustle culture tells us that relaxing the mind is “counterproductive,” but that’s actually not the case (or helpful). Walking quietly is a natural way to give your brain time to relax and daydream, and it certainly has its benefits.

Increased mind wandering creativity and divergent thinking, the ability to develop novel ideas,” Dr. Gambino explains. “And novel thinking and creative ideas bring richness to our lives, helping us solve problems, think outside the box, and have more fulfilling experiences.”

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