Home Mental Health Signs, symptoms and getting help

Signs, symptoms and getting help

by Universalwellnesssystems

For depression, it is important to receive appropriate support early. (Getty Images)

from a global pandemic cost of living crisisIt’s been an incredibly tough few years, so it’s perhaps not surprising that rates of depression are rising.

People who seem to have a “perfect” life on the surface aren’t immune, but of course there’s a difference between temporarily feeling a little flat and suffering from clinical depression. .

This week (May 15-21) is Mental Health Awareness Week, which aims to highlight the importance of health, tackle stigma, prevent suffering and improve care.

Of course, the more people talk about mental health, the more reluctant they are to seek help, especially men.Three times as many men die by suicide than women, according to mental health foundation.

Celebrities who have spoken out about their experiences with depression

Paddy McGuinness, Mike Tindall, James Middleton.  (Getty Images)

Paddy McGuinness, Mike Tindall and James Middleton have opened up about their mental health. (Getty Images)

very recently Paddy McGuinness He told how his symptoms of clinical depression were discovered by ex-wife Christine.

The 49-year-old actor, comedian and TV host said he “didn’t know” that what he was going through (including tantrums) was a symptom of a mental health condition.

Mike Tindall He also recently spoke about his own struggles with mental health and the experience of losing a baby, urging men to share their feelings in order to “normalize” it, while royal relative James Middleton He shared how his dog helped him overcome depression.

Anton Ferdinand He also described the depression and insomnia he experienced during the grief of losing his mother, and encouraged him to share his feelings with others to avoid the worst-case scenario.

snooker world champion Mark Selby used social media to explain it he sought professional help for depressionMeanwhile, Australian tennis star Nick Kyrgios admitted to feeling very depressed Not only did he self-harm, but he was also thinking about killing himself.

Unfortunately, men are still less inclined than women to talk about their feelings, perhaps for fear of appearing “weak.”

“Women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression as men, but depression in men is often undiagnosed because they may be unaware or unwilling to acknowledge symptoms,” says HCA. Simon Blitz, a counseling psychologist at Loud Lane Medical, a health care company, said: England explains.

Young man at home with depression.  (Getty Images)

Men shouldn’t feel the need to keep the symptoms of depression to themselves. Support is there. (Getty Images)

symptoms of depression

psychiatric symptoms According to the NHS, clinical depression includes:

  • Persistent depression or sadness

  • feel hopeless and helpless

  • low self esteem

  • tearful

  • tormented by guilt

  • Irritable and intolerant of others

  • Lack of motivation or interest in things

  • find it difficult to make decisions

  • get no enjoyment out of life

  • feel anxious or worried

  • Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting yourself

physical symptoms According to the NHS, clinical depression includes:

  • move or talk more slowly than usual

  • changes in appetite or weight

  • constipation

  • unexplained aches and pains

  • lack of energy

  • Decreased libido (loss of libido)

  • changes in the menstrual cycle

  • Sleeping disorder

If you’re worried you may be experiencing depression, it can be helpful to ask yourself how long you’ve been feeling that way. If it’s only for a day or two, it’s probably just a temporary mood change, but if it’s been going on for weeks or months, investigate the symptoms so you can get proper support. is important.

causes of depression

Depression can arise from many different sources. From grief and redundancy to broken relationships, it can be triggered by life events or within the family.

It affects men of all ages, with prevalence being higher in those in their 20s and 30s, but becoming increasingly common among men in their 40s and 50s.

“In my experience, depression is now very prevalent in the 50- to 60-year-old age group,” Blitz said.

Men are also much more likely than women to become dependent on alcohol and take drugs regularly. mental health foundationwhich can often be a form of “self-treatment” for those struggling with mental health problems.

men report less life satisfaction than women. Government National Health Survey.

A doctor prescribes an antidepressant to a depressed man.  (Getty Images)

There’s no shame in taking depression medication if it’s the right thing for you. (Getty Images)

depression treatment

In many cases, general practitioners prescribe antidepressants to treat clinical depression. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment, but these can help people experiencing moderate to severe depression.

The most common are serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (brand name Prozac), citalopram, and sertraline, which work by increasing levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, improving mood. increase.

But they are not something that can be fixed quickly. It usually takes 2 weeks to 1 month for SSRIs to really take effect. The SSRI may be taken by him for 6 to 9 months and then carefully weaned off with the help of a medical professional.

This can also be combined with talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), both of which have been proven to help improve mood.

Interestingly, men were less likely to receive psychotherapy than women. mental health foundation – Only 36% of referrals to NHS talk therapy are for men.

“From my experience treating men who struggle with depression, I recommend finding a direct, goal-oriented therapist,” says Blitz.

“Setting clear, realistic goals helps people manage negative emotions and change behavior patterns associated with depression.” Many therapists offer free initial consultations. Please remember that This can be a great opportunity to get a feel for whether their approach works for you. Alternatively, there are free organizations like Samaritans who are always willing to listen.

A man talking to a therapist.  (Getty Images)

Talking therapy is a great option for treating depression and mental illness. (Getty Images)

Exercise can also be one of the most effective ways to manage depression. Indeed, Mr. Blitz argues so. “A non-negotiable for everyone I treat, male or female, is to encourage physical activity,” he says.

“Regular exercise is a great tool to boost your mood and ease the symptoms of depression. helps you stay motivated to exercise regularly.”

No matter what treatment you pursue, there’s no denying that battling depression is difficult even with professional help, but as Kyrgios explained, tackling depression on your own is much more difficult. difficult to

“I know that life can be very exhausting and impossible at times. I understand that opening up can make you feel weak or scared,” he said. “I’ll tell you now, it’s okay, you’re not alone.”

Blitz wholeheartedly agrees. “I strongly recommend that any man who feels he may have depression contact his family doctor or contact the NHS,” he advises. “The worse depression gets, the harder it is to overcome.”

Two friends jogging on a forest trail to stay fit.

Exercise can help manage depression and improve mental health. (Getty Images)

depression help and support

For assistance, call the Mind “Information Line” 0300 123 3393 (open Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, excluding public holidays) or the Samaritan Helpline 116 123 (anytime of the day or night). Contact Please.

You can also search for free psychotherapy services (IAPT). NHS website.

CALM (Campaign against miserable life) The helpline is 0800 585858 and live chat is available daily from 5pm to midnight. 365 days a year

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