Home Mental Health Should You Ever Tell Your Boss You Have Depression?

Should You Ever Tell Your Boss You Have Depression?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people every day. According to a 2023 study, 1 in 5 women report being diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives. report From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And what you have inside yourself at home will follow you at work.

“Often people see depression as simply sadness and don’t necessarily understand how all other symptoms can negatively impact their work,” said the Nevada-based said a clinical psychologist. Tanisha Ranger. She listed insomnia, memory impairment, decreased concentration and motivation, and increased irritability as symptoms that could affect her ability to work under depression.

In an ideal world, you can openly communicate with your boss about the internal factors that affect your ability to get the job done.

“I want us all to live in a world where you can get all the support you need at work just by sharing your feelings of depression,” says psychologist and career coach. Lauren Appio. “It can be practical support, such as taking time off, adjusting schedules to accommodate treatment, or changing workload. Even simple acknowledgments can be meaningful. For example, , always helpful in getting some reprieve and understanding in case of delays in replying to emails.”

Unfortunately, many of us do not work in such ideal conditions. The stigma against mental health struggles is still very real. According to a 2021 survey, only 49% of respondents said their experience of talking about mental health at work was positive. study From non-profit Mindshare Partners.

However, there are times when employees are compelled to disclose.

“Employees with mental illness may be required to disclose their condition in order to receive the attention they need. suggest Jaclyn Koopman, a business professor at Auburn University who has published a study on mental illness and work, said that disclosure could increase truthfulness and reduce the energy spent deliberating whether to disclose in the workplace. said there is.

That’s why it’s so important to think strategically about whether, when, and how to tell your boss about your depression. Here’s how:

Start by throwing tips to co-workers you feel comfortable with.

The main reason to disclose your mental health condition to your boss is if it is affecting your work and needs attention. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, you may be: You can receive a reasonable working environment adaptation Allowing work from home, rescheduling shifts, quiet office space, etc., if conditions allow.

But whether the law is on our side or not, backlash against publicizing mental health issues remains common.

“In general, disclosure studies show that disclosing that an employee has a mental illness can reduce social acceptance and inclusion from colleagues and superiors.” Mr Koopman said.and study Koopman and fellow researchers found that because of this, employees commonly test the water before deciding whether to share more about their mental health issues.

“Employees may not fully disclose that they have a diagnosed condition, they may partially disclose it, and they may use hints to know how their colleagues might react to more detailed disclosure. ,” Koopman said.

Familiarize yourself with your workplace resources and watch how your boss talks about mental health.

In addition to giving tips to colleagues, observe whether there are clear guidelines in the workplace for using mental health-related accommodations and whether colleagues are supported when they ask for these accommodations. Mr. Appio suggested.

You may also want to observe whether your boss models your care and consideration for your own mental health.

“Some bosses talk openly about their mental health, take mental health days, take full parental leave and make the most of the necessary environment and benefits, in other words, the bosses who get on with their lives. , could be better.” Trustworthy,” Appio said.

Consider how your boss has dealt with colleagues who need attention for other reasons, such as pregnancy, caring for an elderly person, or bereavement, says Appio.

“In such cases, bosses who are generally supportive and responsive are more likely to be respectful and receptive when employees open up about their depression,” she says. “But if they treat these needs as trivial, inconvenient and frustrating, they won’t be very understanding, or worse, be actively discriminatory. I can assure you that you won’t.”

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Observe how your boss talks about your mental health.

Consider a solution if you choose to share it with your boss.

Ultimately, you are the one who knows best about yourself and how your depression is impacting your work.

When I talk to my boss, I want to be able to share suggested solutions that work for my job, rather than leaving him guessing what I need.

To do this, rangers should consider what duties the job requires, whether there are adjustments to make it easier, and whether there are parts of the job that they can no longer perform at this time. Mr. suggested.

“Is there anything you need that you can’t do on your own?” Ranger said ask yourself. When disclosing, describe the course of action as helping to retain a productive and engaged workforce.

Because of the stigma associated with mental health, “It’s in your best interest to keep saying, ‘I want to be able to perform at an optimal level of productivity. said the Ranger.

Also, it is not necessary to reveal that depression is the reason for the need for informal arrangements such as flexible working.

“Even if you don’t say ‘I blame my depression,’ start with small things that don’t usually negatively impact your workplace. Start there,” Ranger advised.

“Some locations will respect your privacy for general requests such as ‘I need accommodation due to health problems’ or ‘I would like to request sick leave’. It can be a good way to start a conversation and see if more information is requested,” Appio said.

“From there, talk to therapists, psychiatrists, and other providers who share the document about what information they are comfortable sharing and what information they are comfortable sharing. you can,” she added.

Even if your boss isn’t someone you feel comfortable confiding in, there are still ways to get what you need.

If your boss isn’t comfortable sharing your request, you can pass your lodging request on to human resources or another manager, but there’s no guarantee the information will remain private, Appio said.

Also, keep a paper record of any informal or formal requests so that you can refer to the documentation if necessary.

“All requests for mental health accommodations must be made in writing. An easy way to do this is to send a follow-up email that summarizes the conversation with your manager or HR,” Appio said. increase.

And ultimately, if you can’t get accommodation and your workload is exacerbating your depression, you may need to quit your job to protect your mental health, Ranger said. .

“Obviously, it’s a last resort, but it has to be on the table because your health is the number one goal,” Ranger said.

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