Home Fitness Short Bursts of Activity Lower Your Risk of Early Death, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

Short Bursts of Activity Lower Your Risk of Early Death, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Most of us know that regular exercise is important for health and longevity. However, with our busy schedules, many of us struggle to find time to fit in a workout.

data from our latest research It has been shown that long periods of exercise are not necessary to reap the health benefits of exercise.

The study found that just 3 to 4 minutes of brief, vigorous activity throughout the day was associated with a significantly lower risk of premature death from all causes compared to people who did nothing. It became clear.

To conduct our study, we recruited 25,241 participants. UK biobank study Those who reported not doing leisure-time physical activity or recreational walking at least once a week. Approximately 56% of participants were female, with an average age of approximately 62 years.

To get an accurate picture of participants’ activity levels, we provided them with a smartwatch-like wearable fitness tracker that they wore on their wrists for a week.

This allowed me to accurately monitor their activity levels throughout the day, something most people struggle to remember.

We then correlated the data collected at the beginning of the study with the participants’ clinical records for an average of approximately 7 years thereafter. This allowed us to ascertain whether any of the participants died and the cause of death.

Care was taken to statistically control the analysis for factors that could explain the results, such as the person’s diet and smoking status.

We also excluded participants who had already been diagnosed cancer Cardiac disease at study entry and participants who died during the first two years of follow-up. This ensured that the results were more scientifically certain.

Surprisingly, about 89% recorded what was known as exercise, even though participants reported not doing any structured exercise. strenuous intermittent lifestyle physical activity with a tracker.

This is usually physical activity lasting less than a minute and is usually part of everyday life. Examples of this type of physical activity include playing with children or pets, carrying groceries, bouncing upstairs, walking uphill, and running to catch a train.

On average, participants recorded eight short activities each day, totaling just under four and a half minutes.

Just 3-4 short bouts of activity each day have been found to reduce premature death from all causes and death from cancer by up to 40%. It was also associated with a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease of up to 49%.

The gains tended to plateau for the shorter bursts of activity the person got. An increase was seen.

These results are surprising, but they seem to be in line with what other studies have shown. Small trial It has been shown that very small amounts of brisk intermittent activity can improve cardio fitnessan important predictor of longevity.

High-intensity exercise training (short workouts of 10-30 minutes, with short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest) is also blood sugar controlcholesterol, blood pressure, obesitywhich may lower the risk of both cancer and cardiovascular disease.

However, our study is the first to show an association between unstructured physical activity and health benefits.

daily activities

most adults do not meet Current physical activity recommendations1 in 4 people in the UK do less than 30 minutes of physical activity one week.

many quotes time limit as a reason. By showing the health benefits of daily activity, our study helps motivate even those who do not exercise regularly to include at least a few short bouts of activity in their day. There is a possibility.

existing physical activity guidelines It’s based on research that looks at the benefits of structured, ongoing activity, often in the form of sports, gym workouts, or daily running.

However, our study indicates that future public health guidance on physical activity may need to consider specific recommendations for short activities that can be easily incorporated into daily life. .

Although the wearable trackers we used in our study did not provide information about where these short bursts of activity occurred, many simple, mundane tasks can be performed during an intense, intermittent lifestyle. You can think of it as physical activity.

So if you’re someone who might have a hard time adapting to a workout or feel intimidated by the job, there are probably many things you can do in your daily life to stay fit. exercise you do.

Mark HammerProfessor of Sports and Exercise Medicine, UCL; Emmanuel StamatakisProfessor of Physical Activity, Lifestyle, and Population Health, University of SydneyWhen Matthew AhmadiPostdoctoral Researcher, University of Sydney

This article is reprinted from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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