Home Health Care Shionogi, Active Citizenship Network and MEPS Advocate for Urgent Policy Implementation in EU Member States at EU Parliament Event to Address the Growing Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance

Shionogi, Active Citizenship Network and MEPS Advocate for Urgent Policy Implementation in EU Member States at EU Parliament Event to Address the Growing Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance

by Universalwellnesssystems

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  • Last week, Shionogi partnered with members of the Active Citizenship Network and the European Parliament (MEP) to seek cooperation to advance policy change and implementation in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the EU and member states. hosted the event.

  • Urgent action is needed to encourage and support the discovery and development of new antibiotics and access models that reward innovation and appropriate use to address the growing threat of AMR.

  • AMR is a slow-moving threat, but just as dangerous as COVID-19: In 2019, there were an estimated 1.27 million deaths attributed to bacterial AMR.1 Future projections for the impact of unresolved AMR will lead to as many as 10 million deaths per year by 2050.2

Osaka, Japan, Amsterdam, November 21, 2022–(business wire)– Shionogi Co., Ltd. and its European subsidiary Shionogi BV (hereinafter referred to as “Shionogi”) held an event at the European Parliament last week in preparation for the Global Antimicrobial Awareness Week, working together with MEPs. The Citizenship Network and MEPs Interest Group discuss “Patient Rights and Cross-Border Healthcare in Europe” and discuss initiatives to tackle AMR. The event reinforced the need for urgent attention and cooperation from pharmaceutical companies, policymakers and governments to bring about policy change and innovation to address this growing problem.

The European Health Union has declared AMR one of the three high-priority health threats in the EU, requiring urgent attention and action. In connection with the planned revision of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and the European Council Recommendation on AMR scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2022, the event will bring together high-level European policy makers to build on concrete examples of initiatives. ​​to discuss an innovation framework for the development of new antibiotics. Implemented by national health authorities to combat AMR. The event also explored collaborative and governance models for better implementation of actions and best practices for a holistic AMR approach.

“The conference was very important to raise awareness about antimicrobial resistance and the need for new innovations to address unmet needs. , and health professionals to drive policy change and develop a common response to this growing social challenge.” MEP Aldo Patriciello said.

“The inclusion of AMR in the work program of the upcoming Swedish presidency of the EU Council and the prioritization of this topic by the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Agency (HERA) will advance policy actions to improve stewardship. Opportunities are provided: monitoring resistance patterns across Europe and encouraging innovation. The involvement of society and patient advocacy groups is also important in the development and implementation of the AMR National Plan.” Mariano Votta, Director of the Active Citizenship Network, the EU branch of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva, said:

MEP Fabio Massimo Castaldo will also set up a rapid procurement and purchase mechanism for crisis-related medical measures to respond to emerging threats and better prepare the European health system, in addition to setting up a new We identified the importance of developing a predictable regulatory environment to encourage private investment in antibiotics.he said “With the adoption of the Global Health Strategy and the Pharmaceuticals Legislative Review, now is the time to act and as a member of the European Parliament, I will thoroughly review these proposals to ensure they meet the necessary objectives and ambitions. ”

In 2019, bacterial AMR was directly responsible for 1.27 million deaths and was associated with nearly 5 million deaths.2 Future projections for the impact of unresolved AMR will lead to as many as 10 million deaths per year by 2050.3 Antibiotics are essential to every aspect of modern medicine, from common surgery to chemotherapy to organ transplantation.Without urgent action, the lack of effective antibiotics has made routine medical procedures dangerous, made more complex interventions and treatments impossible, and reduced the ability to respond to infectious disease outbreaks. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that “A slow tsunami that threatens to ruin a century of medical progress.”.

To stimulate antimicrobial research and development and pipelines of new and effective antibiotics, it is important to encourage innovation, and this is necessary at both European and regional national levels. We know that We have seen concrete examples of successful models implemented in European countries. Please encourage other her EU Member States to consider similar incentives to address the challenges they face in bringing new antibiotics to market.said Mark Hill, Senior Vice President, Global Head of Value and Access, Shionogi.

Antibiotic development is a long, expensive and uncertain process, but commercialization can also be difficult. Not surprisingly, once launched, the need for management to prevent the development of resistance often leads to infrequent use. New product research is restricted. As a result of these economic challenges, many large pharmaceutical companies are no longer aggressive in developing and commercializing antibiotics, and several smaller biotech companies have filed for bankruptcy. Valuation for new incentives, financing, and reimbursement to restore viable commercial markets to address the economic challenges faced in bringing new antibiotics to market while facilitating the development of new antibiotics. I strongly support the introduction of the model.

Shionogi is committed to sustaining this momentum and leveraging collaboration with civil society, policy makers, industry, academia and medical experts to drive innovation and collectively turn the tide in the fight against AMR. I’m in.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major health burden that urgently needs to be addressed. Infections with carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria are often associated with high mortality.3 If nothing is done, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are projected to kill 10 million people each year by 2050 and add up to US$100 trillion to the global economy.3

Shionogi’s efforts to combat drug-resistant bacteria

Shionogi has a strong tradition in the field of anti-infectives, developing antimicrobial therapies for over 60 years. Shionogi is proud to be one of the few major pharmaceutical companies that continues to focus on research and development of anti-infectives. The company invests the highest percentage of its pharmaceutical revenues in research and development of related anti-infectives compared to other large pharmaceutical companies.Four

For more information, see: https://www.shionogi.com/global/en/sustainability/amr.html

About Shionogi
Shionogi Pharmaceutical is a 142-year-old global research-driven pharmaceutical company headquartered in Osaka, Japan, with a corporate philosophy of “providing the best possible medicines to protect health”. Based on, we are dedicated to benefiting our patients. and the well-being of the patients we serve. The company currently markets products in several therapeutic areas, including anti-infectives, pain, CNS disorders, cardiovascular disease and gastroenterology. Shionogi’s research and development currently targets his two therapeutic areas of infectious diseases and pain/central nervous system disorders.

For more information about Shionogi & Co., Ltd., please click here. https://www.shionogi.com/global/en/

Shionogi BV is the European headquarters of Shionogi Corporation. For more information on Shionogi BV, please see below. www.shionogi.eu.

Forward-Looking Statements
This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements are based on expectations in light of currently available information and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those statements. Risks and uncertainties include general industry and market conditions, and general domestic and international economic conditions, such as changes in interest rates and exchange rates. These risks and uncertainties apply particularly to product-related forward-looking statements. Product risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, completion and discontinuation of clinical trials. Obtain regulatory approval. Claims and concerns about product safety and efficacy. advances in technology; adverse consequences of significant litigation; national and international healthcare reforms and changes in legislation; Existing products also face manufacturing and marketing risks, including, but not limited to, inability to build capacity to meet demand, unavailability of raw materials and entry of competing products. It will not be. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

© 2022 Shionogi Europe. All rights reserved.


1 Antimicrobial resistance collaborator. Global Burden of Bacterial Antimicrobial Resistance in 2019: A Systematic Analysis. lancet. 2022;399:629-655. doi: doi.org/10.1016/ S0140-6736(21)02724-0. Available online: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02724-0/fulltextLast access date is November 2022.

2 O’Neal, J.. and others. A review of antimicrobial resistance. Global tackling drug-resistant infections: final report and recommendations. 2016 https://amr-review.org/sites/default/files/160518_Final%20paper_with%20cover.pdf Last accessed November 2022

3 Perez F, et al. “Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae: a threat to the most vulnerable patients.” Cleve Clin J Med. April 2013. 80(4): 225–33

Four Antimicrobial Resistance Benchmark 2021.https://accesstomedicinefoundation.org/media/uploads/downloads/61ee760d03810_Antimicrobic%20Resistance%20Benchmark%20report%202021.pdf Last accessed November 2022

Job Code: NP-EU-FDC-0398
Preparation date: November 2022

View source version at businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221120005048/en/

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Shionogi BV
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Executive Director, Corporate and Government Affairs
Havas SO Media Contact
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+44 (0)20 3196 9912

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