Home Mental Health Seven daily habits to improve memory

Seven daily habits to improve memory

by Universalwellnesssystems

Are you forgetful? Upgrade your gray matter with these practical tips.

Have you ever walked into a room and then forgotten why you entered it? Or found your car keys in the fridge after unpacking your shopping? Have you ever gone to school on a day?

Professor Brianova recommends doing one or more of these activities every day.Credit: Getty Images

We all experience memory loss from time to time, but most of the time it doesn’t mean anything serious.

But it can be frustrating, and given that forgetfulness is a key early indicator of dementia, it’s not something to ignore.

There are currently 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK, and this number is predicted to rise to 1.6 million by 2040, according to a report by the Alzheimer’s Society.

“Multitasking, social media, notifications, neurodegeneration, certain drugs, narcotics, and excess alcohol can all potentially damage our memory,” says Cognitive, which works with Healthspan. says neuroscientist Professor Hana Buryanova.

“Keeping your memory in good condition not only reduces your risk of dementia, but also helps prevent age-related mental decline.

“You only have one brain, so take care of it!”

Professor Brianova recommends doing one or more of these activities every day to improve your memory.

Ironically, it’s easy to forget to stick with activities that improve your memory, so set an alarm or build a habit. In other words, combine it with something you already do every day, like brushing your teeth.


No matter what you’re doing, stop and take five.

“Active mindfulness focuses our attention and working memory,” says Professor Brianova.

“Look around you and name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.”

Involving all five senses improves your concentration, slows you down, allows you to process things more deeply in your mind, and improves your memory.

start the game

Start by trying Wordle, an online game where you guess 5-letter words six times every day.Credit: PA

There is no need to suddenly try difficult crosswords. Geography and word games will help you improve your knowledge and improve your memory.

Start by trying Wordle, an online game where you guess six five-letter words every day, and its sister game Worldle, which lets you guess countries by their shapes.

“Both are challenging and require focus.

These stimulate brain plasticity, the areas of the brain that govern how the brain changes and responds to new information, and how we pay attention and create memories,” says Brianova. the professor explains.

Don’t cheat and reach for a dictionary or map for help.

Alternative games include framed, where you guess a film from a still image, and Semantle, where you find hidden words based on other words that share meanings.

A new study from the University of York has found that older people who play digital puzzle games have the same memory abilities as people in their 20s.

close your eyes

To stop your brain from going on autopilot, try getting dressed with your eyes closedCredit: Getty

I hope your bedroom isn’t full of sharp corners. Closing your eyes or getting dressed in the dark may feel strange at first. Because we are used to doing everything with our eyes open.

But Professor Brianova says it interferes with our autopilot.

“When we perform a daily activity in a new way, it enters our consciousness and requires more concentration and long-term memory,” she explains.

However, it’s worth choosing what you’ll wear in advance to avoid fashion mistakes.

try yourself

Get the kids involved in this nostalgic game. Arrange a bunch of household items on a table and ask everyone to observe her for 60 seconds.

Then hide the item before writing down what you remember.

You’ll be surprised at how fun this game is. You can also set up your own memory tasks.

For example, instead of writing down your shopping list, try a new trick to improve your memory. Things like singing your list along to a catchy song or creating a visually memorable path to what you need to buy.

For example, imagine skateboarding fish fingers on a ketchup lake surrounded by broccoli trees.

have sex

“Sex releases happy hormones that help improve immune and cardiovascular function, and support cognitive and emotional processing, including memory,” says Professor Buryanova.Credit: Getty

Not only is sex great for reducing stress, boosting your mood, and getting your heart rate up, it also supports your spirit.

“Sex releases happy hormones that help improve immune and cardiovascular function, and support cognitive and emotional processing, including memory,” says Professor Buryanova.

After that, you are free to take a nap.

“Memory traces, or how memories are stored, are consolidated during sleep.

“They are integrated into our complex memory networks, and sleep is critical for memory.

“During sleep, pathogens such as protein deposits that can cause Alzheimer’s disease are also flushed out of the brain,” she added.

find your voice

Having trouble remembering names?

When you meet someone for the first time, repeat their name while shaking their hand, and include it in the conversation two or three more times to cement it in your memory.

Research shows that saying your name out loud or just saying it to yourself can help you remember it longer. * Alternatively, you can record new information and listen back to it.

Pick up your phone and record voice notes, thoughts, and reminders. If you’re meeting a lot of people, or after meeting a new mom at a school run, try recording a voice memo describing the people you met and their names. and what they look like.

Listen back a few times to make sure you remember important details.

find the beat

Physical activity does wonders for your brain health and memory, and helps pump oxygen around your body’s cells.Credit: Getty

Choose your favorite dance tune, watch a yoga video, and move your body however you like. Physical activity does wonders for your brain health and memory, and helps move oxygen around your body’s cells.

“When oxygen levels are low, we feel sluggish, mentally fatigued, have difficulty concentrating and affect our memory,” says Professor Buryanova.

When you become physically active, your lymphatic and glymphatic systems are also activated. They are part of the immune system and help remove pathogens such as viruses, infections, bacteria, and waste from the body and brain.

“Exercise also helps the brain by helping to generate and connect new neurons. It also improves concentration and improves memory,” says Professor Buryanova.

Ball sports are especially effective, especially those that have rules to learn and hand-eye coordination skills to develop, such as cricket, badminton, tennis, and basketball.

When should I see my family doctor?

Professor Brianova says it may be helpful to make an appointment to see a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Extreme difficulty concentrating and/or remembering.
  • Extreme fatigue and/or brain fog.
  • I have trouble finding words and expressing myself.
  • The inability to ignore irrelevant things.
  • I can’t organize my thoughts.
  • Danger to self or others (e.g. forgetting to turn off the oven).

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