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Set Your Thermostat to This for Best Sleep

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sleep is disrupted when your bedroom is too hot or too cold, new research has found, and reveals what temperature is considered ‘just right’.according to of washington post, a new study reveals that older adults experienced optimal sleep when temperatures dropped within 70 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. The study, led by Harvard Medical School’s Amir Baniasadi and the Marcus Institute on Aging, followed 50 participants aged 65 and older in the Boston area for 12 months. “We chose older adults because they typically experience sleep deprivation more than younger people,” Baniasadi said. “Their physiology is more sensitive to temperature changes, and they suffer the most in heatwaves.”

The researchers installed sensors in the participants’ bedrooms to track nighttime temperatures and provided them with special rings to monitor their sleep patterns. Restful sleep decreased when indoor temperature exceeded 77 degrees or fell below 68 degrees, and sleep efficiency significantly decreased by 5-10% as indoor temperature increased from 77 degrees to 86 degrees. Higher temperatures interfere with your body’s natural cooling process, making it harder to fall asleep. Researchers looked at how this could affect our health on a warming planet. “This study highlights the potential impact of climate change on sleep quality in older adults,” Baniasadi said. science focus“We are specifically targeting people of lower socio-economic status and helping them increase their adaptive capacity as nighttime temperatures rise in cities across the country.”

While similar studies are often conducted in controlled laboratory settings, this study aimed to have participants recreate real-life situations at home. The trade-off was the small sample size of this study, which limited the applicability of the results. Nevertheless, post They report that the relationship between sleep deprivation and body temperature is important because it can contribute to health problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, accidents, and poor work performance.every sleep foundation, some ways to avoid overheating at night include changing bedding, ventilating the room, sleeping in a downstairs room during hot weather, and taking a bath before bed. (Should he catch more Zzzs during the winter? There’s probably a reason for that.)

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