Home Health Care Senator Scott 2023 Year in Review — U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina

Senator Scott 2023 Year in Review — U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina

by Universalwellnesssystems

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R.S.C.) announced his 2023 Recap, highlighting his work on behalf of the people of South Carolina and efforts to advance the Opportunity Agenda across the nation. focused on.

This year, Senator Scott introduced 24 bills, four resolutions, and 10 amendments. Eight of his bills were partially or fully enacted this year.

south carolina

The senator and his team assisted with casework requests for 7,320 South Carolinians, an 80% increase compared to 2022.

Increasing direct communication with voters remains a priority for the senator, who was able to send more than 82,000 letters to South Carolinians in 2023.

through National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024the senator defended several legislative accomplishments in South Carolina, including:

  • $66 million in funding to complete new barracks at Fort Jackson.
  • Provides $20 million in funding for the Aiken County National Guard Readiness Center.
  • $4.37 million in funding to complete the National Guard Readiness Center at Joint Base Charleston.
  • $7.9 million in funding to establish an automatic multi-purpose machine gun range at McCready Training Center in Columbia, South Carolina.and
  • The $2.7 billion in funding to support the Savannah River Site includes $1 billion for plutonium modernization activities and $1.6 billion for operations and maintenance.

american energy

Senator Scott reaffirms America's commitment to energy dominance and independence; Protecting the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) from Chinese lawIt strengthens our nation's energy security by banning the sale of U.S. crude oil from the SPR to any company under the control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and prohibiting the export of SPR crude oil to China. It is something.Senator Scott also supported Energy Security Cooperation with European Alliance Partners (ESCAPE) Act Weakening Russia's ability to influence its European allies by promoting energy independence.

Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee

Sen. Scott became the top Republican on the powerful Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee in January. As a Ranking Member, he has focused on common-sense policies that create economic opportunity and grow communities across the country, including those often left behind. Throughout the year, Ranking Member Scott, as the Republican leader on the committee, he introduced 11 bills and legislative frameworks.

As the son of a single mother, Ranking Member Scott grew up living with his family until he could afford to rent his own home, and did not experience the value of homeownership until later in life. That's why he is passionate about strengthening policies and programs that improve housing affordability for Americans and make the American Dream a reality. Ranking member Scott made the announcement. New Opportunities for the American Dream in Housing Law (ROAD)took a holistic view of federal housing policy and proposed comprehensive legislative solutions that would uplift families by making long-needed reforms across all sectors of the U.S. housing market.

The Biden administration and its regulators have been working overtime to advance a progressive policy agenda and regulate every aspect of American life. Agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are issuing rules and proposals at a record pace, and federal banking agencies are stepping up efforts to address climate change and progressive priorities outside of their purview. It also goes into detail. Throughout the year, Ranking Member Scott has provided principled oversight of the Biden Administration's messy regulatory agenda, demanding transparency and fact-based analysis of proposed rules and regulations.

Click for a complete list of Senator Scott's accomplishments during his first year as Republican leader of the Senate Banking Committee here.


Senator Scott has worked to forge a pathway to quality education for all Americans. To that end, he hosted the largest National School Choice Week student rally in history on Capitol Hill, attended by more than 300 students from 10 public charter and private schools in the Washington, D.C., area. .


As co-chair of the bipartisan Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Caucus, Senator Scott hosted the 7th Annual HBCU Fly-in, celebrating the historic accomplishments of HBCUs and their significant contributions to the American economy and workforce. Emphasize and strengthen them for years to come. This was his largest HBCU fly-in to date.

Putting education at the center of the opportunity agenda, senators led two bipartisan Senate resolutions, National Charter School Week and National School Choice Week, both of which passed unanimously, to focus on important education issues and priorities. has received increased attention.

In an effort to protect parental rights and ensure that parents remain the leading decision-makers in their children's lives, Senator Scott secured passage in the House. Parental Rights Regarding the Education and Care of Children (PROTECT) Act. Too often parents are excluded from their children's education, and children are paying the price.

health care

Senator Scott sponsored 12 bills aimed at making American health care more consumer-friendly and market-driven.his Initiating meaningful patient reviews of various existing (improvements) Part D regulations;The committee passed a bill that would ensure that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) listens to patients who rely on Medicare Part D and makes improvements based on that feedback.This year, the passage committee was also made up of senators. Occupational Therapy Mental Health Equality ActThis allows occupational therapists to provide care to people suffering from substance abuse and mental health disorders.

As the Biden administration advances radical far-left priorities, Sen. Scott returned to health care policies that are harmful to South Carolinians and opposed two radical health care candidates. At a time when bureaucrats in Washington threatened insurance access and choice for older Americans, Sen. Scott co-led a bipartisan group of 61 senators to support the nearly 30 million people enrolled in the program. called for Medicare Advantage protections for the elderly and disabled. The senator also worked with Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee to try to block the Biden administration's proposed deep cuts to the Medicare Advantage program.

As with everything he does, Sen. Scott was focused on making sure that the bureaucracy in Washington worked on behalf of hard-working Americans. In addition to formally launching a new investigation into government waste, Sen. Scott: received the report of an investigation he had previously initiated Details deficiencies within the Medicaid Recovery Audit Contractor Program, a program created to identify and correct government overpayments and underpayments.

restoration of law and order

Throughout this year, South Carolinians and Americans alike have seen a spike in crime and an increase in illegal border crossings. In an effort to restore law and order, senators have supported legislation to address immigration, strengthen police funding, prevent federal overreach, and combat human trafficking.

The senator introduced Alan T. Shao II Fentanyl Public Health Emergency and Overdose Prevention Act and Border Security Act of 2023support, Blue Law of 2023 Upholds Felony Murder Bill for the Distribution of Deadly Fentanyl 2023, Combating Violence beDangerous Crimes Act, Prevent Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, Keep Border Patrol Agents Payable, Secure Borders Act and Stop Fentanyl Crossing the Border Act.


To combat America's growing fentanyl crisis, Senator Scott, in his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, Avoiding fentanyl laws. The bill targets every part of the illicit fentanyl supply chain, from chemical suppliers in China to manufacturers in Mexico to the cartels that smuggle the deadly drug across the border. The aim is to disrupt fentanyl trafficking by cutting off sources of income. Deadly fentanyl enters the United States.of stop fentanyl law was unanimously It was voted down by the Senate Banking Committee and gained 66 co-sponsors in the Senate.it was It contains In the Senate version National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

national security and foreign affairs

This year, Senator Scott joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy. Throughout the year, senators championed policies that strengthen America's national security, support allies, and defeat adversaries.

After the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Iran's Hamas proxy, Senator Scott stood by our nation's greatest ally in the Middle East and, in his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, said: introduced of rescind the Iran Financing Act; The bill would permanently freeze $6 billion released to Iran by the Biden administration and direct the Treasury secretary to provide an accounting of all Iranian high-value assets around the world that are currently blocked by U.S. sanctions. It is something. Senator Scott also pushed for passage of the Iran bill to prevent Iran from funding further attacks against the United States and its allies. Strengthen Iran Sanctions Law Expanding sanctions on financing of Iran's energy and weapons sectors, curbing the regime's ability to develop its nuclear program and finance destabilizing activities. Before and after the Oct. 7 attack, the senator led dozens of his Republican colleagues in holding the administration accountable for its dangerous Iran policies. Additionally, to prevent U.S. tax dollars from falling into the hands of Hamas and combat potential negative effects on our nation's foreign policy institutions, Senator Scott helped author this bill. end support for Hamas law And that Department of State Security Notification Actsome of which were signed in the FY24 NDAA.


To counter the Chinese Communist Party's efforts to steal Americans' data and infiltrate our institutions, Senator Scott Know the law of apps Require app stores to display the country in which an app was developed and give users the option to exclude apps from countries of concern. Additionally, the Senate unanimously voted to include Sen. Scott's amendments in the FY24 NDAA to address Chinese military influence on U.S. higher education. Senator Scott secured additional language in the NDAA requiring the State Department to consider innovative ways to fill long-standing vacancies at U.S. embassies around the world. This would improve the United States' ability to counter China's growing influence.The senator also supported the NDAA. regulations End China's unfair advantage in the international system by stripping it of its “developing country” status.

In his capacity as Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Scott How to protect your basea law to prevent China from purchasing land near our nation's sensitive military, intelligence, and national laboratory sites.

This year's NDAA also led to legislation from the Senate. John Lewis Civil Rights Fellowship Actplans to establish a fellowship program of the same name at the State Department to study nonviolent civil rights movements abroad.

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