Home Health Care Senate Passes Resolution on Southern Border And Insurance Bill

Senate Passes Resolution on Southern Border And Insurance Bill

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Senate passed 11 bills today and sent them to the House for consideration. He has introduced more than 20 other bills in the Senate, including seven in the House. There was also emotional debate over the resolution.

The Senate passed 11 bills today and sent them to the House for consideration. He has introduced more than 20 other bills in the Senate, including seven in the House. There was also emotional debate over the resolution.

Senate Resolution 42

A Senate resolution is a type of law that expresses the rules and feelings of the legislative branch. They can be a symbolic way to express support, as in the case of today’s Senate resolution.

Senate Resolution 42 Texas Governor Greg Abbott supports using all means and strategies, including razor wire fencing, to secure the southern border.

The resolution also condemns President Joe Biden and his so-called denial of border security.

Sen. Mike Stewart (R-Kanawha) is the resolution’s lead sponsor. He visited the border and saw first-hand the challenges facing Texas, he said.

“I don’t know the numbers, so I’m going to give you the best I can,” Stewart said. “At least 8 million illegal aliens are crossing the border, and who is crossing the border?”

Mr Stewart said terrorists, human traffickers, child predators and violent criminals cross the border every day.

“We also know that there are a lot of really good people who come across the border in search of a better life. “We’re trying to defend our borders to some extent on behalf of all states, including the United States,” Stewart said.

Sen. Mike Caputo (D-Marion) was the only vote against the resolution.

“It was a great campaign speech,” Caputo said. “I think that’s what this resolution is all about. Let me start by saying that I support secure borders.”

Mr. Stewart is running for attorney general in the next election. Mr. Caputo expressed his concerns with some of the measures supported in the resolution.

“Are we going to support the use of all the tools, including razor wire fencing, for innocent children brought in by others?” Caputo said. “We are going to support the use of razor wire fencing. Have we lost our minds? Have we lost our minds? , no one cares about kids. Razor wire!? That’s insane! I might be the only one voting against it. And I’m not ashamed of it. I I’m not ashamed of that one bit, because I can feel good about my vote. And I’ll be happy with my career here. I don’t feel good about the direction we’re going in as president. ”

Mr. Caputo is not running for re-election.

Senate Bill 375

Today’s notable bills include: Senate Bill 375. This bill affects uninsured health plans known as Healthcare Sharing Ministries (HCSM).

In HCSM, members pay money into a pool that receives approval if one of its members needs medical care. Typically, members submit bills for their medical expenses to the organization, and if approved, the medical expenses will be paid.

Such organizations have been widespread among Amish and Mennonite communities for decades, but more recently, Affordable Medical Care Act. Members of these organizations are exempt from tax penalties otherwise required by law.

These are not for-profit organizations and are not subject to the regulations and oversight that insurance companies follow. This has raised concerns about consumer protection and the solvency of organizations.

Senate Bill 375 affirms the state insurance commissioner’s practice of not participating in the regulation of these programs.

The bill also provides for an annual audit of the HCSM, which states that the HCSM is not an insurance contract, that coverage for medical expenses is completely voluntary, and that members are ultimately personally responsible for paying their medical expenses. Requires a written disclaimer to be provided to members and prospective members informing them of the liability. own medical expenses.

Some public universities require students to purchase medical insurance. The bill provides that HCSM also meets this requirement.

Michael Oliverio, R-Monongalia, said the bill would help students whose parents are uninsured.

“Because we don’t have this law, if the parents of those students were in the Health Share Mission program,” Oliverio said. “As determined by higher education institutions, this does not count as insurance, resulting in students and their parents having to pay thousands of dollars in additional costs while attending college to meet health insurance requirements. .”

Caputo was the only vote against the measure. He said these programs are not cost-effective.

“I did some research on it,” Caputo said. “I found that a lot of procedures weren’t covered. A lot of things you have to pay out of pocket but… , some may not have money to withdraw from their pockets.”

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