Home Mental Health Seeking mental health therapy is a strength, not a weakness

Seeking mental health therapy is a strength, not a weakness

by Universalwellnesssystems

For most of us, going to the doctor is part of everyday life. I do my best to have an annual health check and follow my doctor’s instructions. If a problem is found, see a specialist. For palpitations, go to a cardiologist. For skin problems, go to a dermatologist.

But there is one area of ​​healthcare that many people still find boring. It’s mental health. why?

The brain is the most important and complex organ critical to our experience as humans. From a medical point of view, the electrochemical processes within the tissues encased in the skull are as important and deliberate as those protected by the ribcage.

So why condemn caring for one and not care for the other?

Mental health, or I prefer brain health, should be treated as a medical problem in the same way that any other part of the body is treated. Also, actively monitor and protect your heart and kidneys. As well as the brain, we also need to protect it.

The brain is much more complex than any other organ, so it needs its own set of exercises. It’s not enough to just watch your diet, get some sleep, or run on the treadmill, but these activities can definitely help. Instead, caring for your brain requires unique exercises that can strengthen your neural pathways in a healthy way. One of the tools for achieving this goal is therapy.

Most people have the wrong idea about therapy. Seeing a therapist isn’t just for when you have a problem. Also, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a disease in the brain. Rather, treatment can be initiated early in life as a consistent way to gain self-insight, implement therapeutic tools, and identify obstacles to brain health before problems arise. .

Preventive brain care can help you navigate life’s challenges better. It also helps reduce potential illness. This is especially true for people who are predisposed to brain health conditions due to genetic or environmental factors, as well as those who are predisposed to other health problems.

Another misconception people often have about therapy is that it’s the therapist’s job to fix them. This couldn’t be further from the truth. As with most things in life, you get out of therapy what you put in. Just like signing up for a gym membership doesn’t rip your abs, sitting on a therapist’s couch doesn’t strengthen your brain. you have to make a real effort. For therapy, this means willingness to learn and practice the tools provided. Even if this kind of exercise means exchanging sweat and tears.

Indeed, our current medical system should be better equipped to properly manage brain health. There is no affordable, easy access to therapists or trained brain health professionals.

Research on brain health is also systematically underfunded relative to its impact on society. As a result, large inequalities persist, especially for women.

These systemic inequalities are fueled by prejudice. One stigma that is often not discussed is that Men report feeling uncomfortable seeking treatment than women, even during an active medical crisis. This is due to the long history of socialization in which masculine strength has been equated with emotional restraint, a natural biological process that defines the human experience.

Denying men access to the full emotional spectrum based on outdated gender norms not only impedes life fulfillment but also increases the likelihood of violent behavior including: suicideThe social unacceptability of men seeking help is also likely to be an important factor in the increase in harm to women.

Enhancing your brain’s ability to function well is one of the best ways to be positive about yourself and each other, making seeking mental health treatment a strength, not a weakness.

But given the persistence of stigma, continued efforts to normalize brain health and remove stigma are critical to success. For this reason, I am proud to have a therapist and strongly encourage you to get one as well.

Trish Zornio is a scientist, lecturer, and author who has worked at top US universities and hospitals. She’s an avid rock climber and was a candidate for the 2020 Colorado Senate.

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