Home Products Screen Time Linked With Developmental Delays in Young Children

Screen Time Linked With Developmental Delays in Young Children

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Studies have shown that high screen time in 1 year olds can negatively affect the development of 2 and 4 year olds. SolStock/Getty Images
  • A new study found that more screen time in 1-year-olds is associated with developmental delays in communication and problem-solving in 2- and 4-year-olds.
  • Experts say limiting screen time for babies and young children can support their development.
  • Some forms of screen time may be suitable for children ages 18-24 months.

Playing with your baby on your phone or tablet may seem like an easy way to keep them occupied, but new research shows it can slow their development.

One-year-olds who spent more time on screens were at higher risk of developing delays in communication and problem-solving at ages 2 and 4, according to a study published in the journal Aug. 21. JAMA Pediatrics.

“This study adds to the evidence that screen time has increased.” [in infants and young children] It contributes to developmental delays in areas such as communication skills, problem-solving skills and social skills,” said Dr. Christina Johns, pediatric emergency physician and senior medical adviser. PM pediatric carewas not involved in the study.

The study included 7,097 children and their parents recruited from 50 obstetric clinics and hospitals in Japan between 2013 and 2017.

Parents reported how much screen time they allow their 1-year-olds to have on a “typical” day, including TVs, DVDs, video games, mobile phones and tablets.

Later, when children were 2 and 4 years old, parents completed questionnaires assessing their child’s development in several areas, including communication, gross and fine motor skills, problem-solving, and personal and social skills. .

By the age of two, those who spent more than four hours a day using screens were almost twice as likely to experience delays in the development of communication and problem-solving skills.

Those who spent four or more hours per day looking at a screen were almost five times more likely to have communication delays and almost three times more likely to have problem-solving delays by the age of two.

Additionally, those who looked at screens for more than four hours per day were up to twice as likely to have delays in fine motor skills and personal and social skills at age two.

By age 4, only communication and problem-solving skills were at increased risk of delay.

The study shows that “screen time before age 2 influences development in many areas, with greater impact on communication and problem-solving skills.” Dr. Sarah Adamspediatrician and medical director, Akron Children’s Hospital, Hudson, Ohio.

“This effect continues to be seen in 2- and 4-year-olds,” she told Healthline. “This further reinforces the need to follow screen time guidelines and recommendations for infants and children.”

factor Beyond screen time, genetics, negative experiences such as abuse and neglect, and socioeconomic factors can influence development.

Parents of children who spend more time on screens are more likely to be younger, have never given birth, have lower household incomes, lower levels of education and suffer from postpartum depression, a new study finds. .

One of the limitations of the study is that the researchers didn’t know the specifics of what screen time children were exposed to. Additionally, there was no data on whether parents viewed content with their children.

Some research suggests that not all types of screen time have the same impact on children’s development.

a meta-analysis A study of children under the age of 12 found that screen time spent with educational content was associated with improved language skills compared to other types of screen use. Parents viewing content with their children also had a beneficial effect on language skills.

Screen time remains the number one health concern for children for parents, according to a recent survey, with two-thirds worried about their children’s screen use. poll By CS Mott Children’s Hospital.

Johns recommends parents follow American Academy of Pediatrics Screen Time guidelines “As close as possible.”

AAP bans screen time for children under 2 and has the following recommendations:

  • Limit media usage as much as possible.
  • Ask for an adult to be present when using the screen (i.e. when video chatting with a loved one).
  • Choose only quality programs (no older than 18 months).
  • Watch media with your child and avoid screen time alone.

“We encourage parents to delay introducing screens to infants and toddlers at all,” Johns told Healthline. “Often, once a parent starts exposing, it’s hard to stop. So don’t let the genie out of the bottle in the first place.”

While many parents may find it difficult to keep their children completely away from screens, Johns noted that new research has found that more screen time has a greater impact on development. So even if parents can’t reduce their kids’ screen time to zero, doing so has a positive effect.

Additionally, “Be intentional about what your kids watch and make sure it’s age-appropriate and educational,” she said.

According to the AAP, children aged 18 to 24 months can learn from high-quality educational media as long as their parents play and watch together and repeat lessons.

“Interact with your child during screen time and talk about what they’re experiencing, watching, reading, or listening to,” says Adams.

She said it’s also important for infants and children to build routines for other types of off-screen play and interaction throughout the day.

And, of course, “Be an example for your kids and limit your own screen time,” she said.

Excessive screen time in 1 year olds can negatively affect the development of 2 and 4 year olds, especially their communication and problem-solving skills.

Experts recommend limiting screen time for children under the age of 2, even if that means reducing, not eliminating it entirely.

Some types of screen time, such as high-quality educational materials, can be beneficial for younger children, especially if parents watch and teach them together.

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