Home Mental Health Scotts Valley High School opens mental health wellness center

Scotts Valley High School opens mental health wellness center

by Universalwellnesssystems

<3..2..1..cheers>Scotz Valley High School held a ribbon cutting ceremony today to celebrate the opening of the Wellness Center. The On -Campus Welness Center was built to provide students access and provide school -based mental health resources. The center aims to reduce the stigma related to mental health. ### <2:09「学校のキャンパスにアクセスを提供したかったのです。すべての生徒とすべての家族がコミュニティでリソースを見つけることができるわけではないので、学校のキャンパスでここにいるときに簡単になります。」 2:20は2:55に「生徒たちは助けが必要だと言って、私たちは彼らを聞いて、それについて何かをしました。」 3:00>Scotts Valley Unification School District says that cutting ribbon marks the main MI.

Scotz Valley High School opens the mental health welness center

Scotz Valley High School celebrated the opening of the new wellness center with a ribbon cut type.

Today, Scott’s Valley High School has been holding a ribbon cut ceremony today to celebrate the opening of the wellness center, which aims to provide mental health resources accessible to students. Get the help they need. “We wanted to provide access to the school campus,” said Tanya Klaus, Principal Tanya Kraus, Scotts Valley Unified School District. “Every student and all families do not have the ability to find resources in the community, so it will be easier when you are on the campus of the school. Scotts Valley Unification School District, Ribbon Cutting, at school. Mark a big milestone for creating a mental health hub Please subscribe to the channel

Scotz Valley High School today held a ribbon cut ceremony today to celebrate the opening of the wellness center, which aims to provide mental health resources accessible to students.

The center on the campus aims to reduce the stigma of mental health and facilitate the need for students.

“We wanted to provide access to the school campus,” said Tanya Klaus, Principal Tanya Kraus, Scotts Valley Unified School District. “Every student and all families do not have the ability to find resources in the community, so it will be easier when you are on a school campus. Students say we need help. We heard it and did something about it.

The Scott Valley Unification School District says that cutting the ribbon is marked with large initiative milestones throughout the county for creating mental health hubs in schools.

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