Home Medicine Scientists Say Semaglutide Appears to Help Alcoholics, Too

Scientists Say Semaglutide Appears to Help Alcoholics, Too

by Universalwellnesssystems

Image provider Michael Siluk / UCG via Getty / Futurism

In another potential win for the popular weight loss drug, scientists have discovered that semaglutide may be able to help people suffering from alcohol dependence.

issued in Journal of Clinical PsychiatryThis new study by the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University is the latest in a series of studies examining the potential broader applications of the popular but controversial weight loss drug WeGoby and its diabetes drug. It is the latest one. Ozempic.

as UO declares in press release This study is well known as it is the first to examine whether semaglutide is also effective in patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD). colloquially as alcoholic.

A team led by OSU's Kyle Simmons and OU's Jesse Richards looked at the results of six patients (a very small sample size) who used semaglutide for weight loss and found that all six patients lost weight. They found that they had experienced a “significant decline.” Symptoms. Neither the press release nor the study stated what symptoms were reduced after using semaglutide; DSM-5 describes the Australian dollar Ranging from mild to severe, the criteria range from drinking-related illnesses and increased alcohol tolerance to finding yourself in dangerous or dangerous situations or being unable to stop thinking about alcohol.

In particular, many of the symptoms of AUD are related to appetite control, which appears to be the most important and most interesting side effect of semaglutide. The drug belongs to a class of drugs known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists, which mimic the feeling of fullness and thus also appear to suppress appetite.

In addition to helping people manage food cravings, taking semaglutide for weight loss or diabetes is interestingly hearing more from patients who report that they have had the following effects: helped them break their addiction to everything, from shopping to alcohol.

in Interview with tulsa world newspaperRichards, an obesity medicine expert, said he has heard a surprising amount of anecdotal evidence that taking semaglutide reduces the urge to drink alcohol.

“That's one of the big things that caused this problem,” he said. “People voluntarily reported this.”

Richards told the newspaper that one patient, who used to be able to down an entire case of beer in a few hours, said his beer cravings were almost gone after he started taking semaglutide.

“That was the first thing that really caught my attention,” the pharmacologist said.

This study is clearly far from conclusive proof that semaglutide can help people trying to abstain from drinking, but the small sample size, and as such, is another feather in semaglutide's cap. This is interesting considering that

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