Home Fitness San Diego Is Cracking Down on Permitless Groups for Exercising Outside

San Diego Is Cracking Down on Permitless Groups for Exercising Outside

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s in the pack. It is often crunchy. they are chameleons. One moment it’s a dog looking down, the next it’s a cobra or a child. (How versatile!) They stand on their hands and breathe peacefully. And we have nothing like that.

At least, not on public land. By “them” I mean the next world. yogiWhen I say “we” I mean the City of San Diego. The city amended its ordinance in March to prohibit groups of more than four people engaged in commercial recreational activities such as yoga, fitness classes and dog training from gathering in public without permission.

Law enforcement officials have been focusing on unauthorized gatherings, breaking up beachfront classes before they start and ticketing teachers. And park rangers have busted groups that meet without paying admission, despite the city’s focus on “commercial” activities. “It’s really tragic that the city is taking away our opportunity to take a class for free and enjoy nature in the outdoor park,” said yoga instructor Amy Buck. Said KGTV station in San Diego. And even though the gut reaction here is “just get a permit!”, the city doesn’t seem to be making it that easy. “We are fully willing and ready to obtain permits,” Buck added. forgive. “

The law was originally designed to target unlicensed food vendors. Reasonable people can and should debate the necessity and usefulness of preventing people from buying hot dogs from anyone without a government official’s stamp of approval. But applying that concept to people who voluntarily gather near water to stretch seems even more questionable. It takes an active imagination to evoke safety concerns there.

In fact, the City of San Diego says the core issue of concern is safety. A city spokesperson said in a statement that officials expanded the ordinance, which went into effect March 29, “to ensure these public spaces remain safe and accessible.” It remains unclear what dangers these groups pose when transitioning from, say, bridge pose to wheel pose.

On the other hand, the idea that code provisions guarantee accessibility is deeply ironic because it clearly excludes from access taxpayer-paying San Diegans who have the audacity to campaign with others without permission. Thing. Their coming together rather than being separate, or carrying out specific activities rather than vague ones, does not suddenly require government approval.

It’s unclear whether the rule will stand: On Friday, lawyers for a group of yoga instructors provided A cease and desist order to city authorities. Either way, this is an example of government implementing a solution to a problem that didn’t really exist until city leaders created the problem.

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