Home Health Care Samsung Medical Center scores third HIMSS validation this year with Stage 6 DIAM

Samsung Medical Center scores third HIMSS validation this year with Stage 6 DIAM

by Universalwellnesssystems

Samsung Medical Center received Stage 6 HIMSS Digital Imaging Deployment Model certification, the third HIMSS Maturity Model certification this year.

DIAM measures a healthcare organization’s ability to deliver medical images.

why it matters

Before SMC embarked on an upgrade of its digital imaging system next year and before offering cloud-based imaging services in the future, SMC underwent a DIAM assessment to ensure compliance with global standards.

During the review, SMC was praised for having a “good” corporate image governance structure, with strong clinical engagement and visible leadership from senior team members. We have also made all images available in the context of the EMR, along with the adjacent report.

Its ability to present relevant images from a variety of modalities is useful for clinical applications such as those wishing to view cardiac CT alongside echocardiography or images of soft tissue injuries simultaneously with x-rays of injured joints. I know it helps doctors.

In addition, SMC was recognized for its security features to protect and print sensitive images and its ability to measure radiation dose by machine, patient and body part.

For further evaluation, HIMSS recommended using an intruder prevention system to prevent unauthorized access to EMR and other images. We also wanted the SMC to consider implementing an imaging-related clinical decision support tool to help clinicians request the most appropriate tests and studies.

The SMC is also expected to define external image exchange capabilities as part of its digital imaging strategy. According to HIMSS, the strategy involves sharing images with other healthcare providers, sharing them for telemedicine consultations, sharing them with patients, and sharing them with mobile his devices outside the hospital walls. should explain how to

the bigger trend

SMC’s DIAM validation follows stage 6 award. Electronic medical record introduction model August and Stage 7 Infrastructure deployment model April for the first time in the world.

Stage 6 DIAM accredited medical institutions are the third in the world and the second in the Asia-Pacific region. Apollo Hospital In India, it won the same award in June this year.

The hospital is currently working towards obtaining the highest DIAM accreditation. Jean Hyoung Lee, Manager of IT Infrastructure at SMC, said:

on record

Commenting on how the SMC team works, Andrew Pearce, vice president of analytics and global advisory lead at HIMSS, said: , we are focused on delivering personalized care that delivers superior health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases.” supported by the foundation of ”

HIMSS Senior Digital Health Advisor Dr. Rohini Omkar Prasad, who was actively involved in the validation, explains: Image analysis is being deployed to support clinical decision algorithms for detecting cases of cerebral aneurysms, pneumothorax, and early-stage breast cancer, which were previously difficult to diagnose. Developing a validated model will help improve the quality of clinical care for the population they serve in South Korea. ”

“SMC is a hospital with world-class medical IT infrastructure and the best advanced medical institution in Korea. Currently, we are renovating the hospital with a 10-year plan and implementing seven major innovation tasks to become the hospital of the future. In line with these changes, we plan to upgrade our digital imaging system and offer a range of cloud-based imaging services in 2023. We will be evaluating the Stage 6 DIAM to ensure that our efforts meet the requirements. We have checked to see if it is being carried out according to the guidelines and seeking advice and direction from HIMSS,” Lee said.

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