Home Fitness Sam Sulek Discusses Bulking, His Favorite Form of Cardio, and Getting Jacked – Fitness Volt

Sam Sulek Discusses Bulking, His Favorite Form of Cardio, and Getting Jacked – Fitness Volt

by Universalwellnesssystems

There's never a dull moment when bodybuilding influencers appear on camera sam sleck I'm talking. His popularity skyrocketed and he became a household name in the fitness world. In a recent show on YouTube, Slek talked about bulking, his favorite cardio exercise, and not making excuses to let it get in the way of building muscle.

“Even if you have what you want, honestly, what's stopping you from getting it?” says Sam Sleck.

With his relaxed demeanor and ripped physique, Sam Sleck is quickly making waves in the bodybuilding world, despite having no competitive experience yet. At just 21 years old, Slek has achieved considerable fame thanks to his impressive physique, quick-witted personality, and hulking strength.

With millions of followers on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, Slek's casual gym content has turned him into a star. While Olympia Derek Lunsford is primarily an advocate of clean eating, Slek takes a different approach to nutrition. From chugging gallons of chocolate milk to destroying boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts, Slek's dietary choices may surprise some, but they're working out for him.

Sam Sleck talks about getting frustrated, how to do cardio, and overcoming excuses.

First, Sleck began his moment of reflection by discussing the importance of sleep for muscle hypertrophy.

“I woke up about 45 minutes ago. My 8:30 class today was canceled, so that means I got two hours more sleep. In the context of bodybuilding, my early morning class was canceled. And…it helps you, you know, make a profit.

I think we all know that the real growth happens when we sleep and relax. The longer you can stay in bed and dream during your REM sleep cycle, the better. I think everyone knows that,” Sam Sleck said.

As for Slek's favorite cardio exercise, he highlighted the calorie-burning benefits of a recumbent bike.

“Statistically, I know the majority of you don't want to hear it, but I just explain the benefits every time. You can lead the lifter to the water, but you can't just let him drink.” You can't do 30 minutes of cardio a day, on a seated bike, but it doesn't have to be on a seated bike, you can do whatever you want. Master the stairs, the damn treadmill, running, whatever.” said Slek.

“I think you can do it. [run around the block], I really don't want to. For me, my favorite cardio exercise is the recumbent bike. That makes sense. You can burn a significant amount of calories in a significant amount of time. When walking on a treadmill, it takes him 45 minutes before the machine determines that he has burned 300 calories. ”

According to Sulek, the components of aerobic exercise are: “Do something for 30 minutes that significantly increases your heart rate for a set period of time.”

“If I ride a seat bike, I can get 300 calories in 30 minutes. That's usually what I aim for. Well, that's the minimum requirement for me. Sometimes I'll get up to 400 calories. , the machine may say 400 calories in 30 minutes. It's just a number.

In reality, what I would count as aerobic exercise is 30 minutes of doing something that significantly increases your heart rate for a period of time. So if you want to play ball or whatever, and your heart rate is going up to 140s, 150s for 30 minutes straight, guess who you are? That's important. ”

Related: Try our weight gain calculator to help you on your weight gain/bulk journey!

He said he doesn't like steppers. “It feels like a lot of work.”

“When it comes to stairsteppers and stairmasters, I'm not a fan. They kind of feel like a lot of work. But I have no problem riding a bike.”

Mr. Slek then explained how to get jacked, emphasizing the importance of not losing sight of the goals set.

“Beginners just think, “I want to get really big.'' Or perhaps they just idolize someone who is out of their minds. But the main end goal in the distant future is to want to get jacked correctly.

So if that's your goal and it's solidified in your mind and you haven't completely lost sight of it and you actually want to get there, then of course that should be your shit every day. ,” says Sam Slek.

In Sulek's opinion, most people “Introspective Awakening” They continue to train.

“For most people, even most people, there is an awakening, an introspective awakening, where you can actually understand the fact that you are not just floating in space in your life.”

Sleck acknowledges the influence of external factors on his training and recalls facing criticism at the beginning of his lifting journey.

Find out more about who Sam Sleck is.

“Fucking outside, sure, it's going to be shitty to you. Something might get in your way, but it's just an additional challenge you have to deal with. Nothing. – I mean – let’s say the only thing that’s going to stop you from doing something is people are going to say bad things about you and stuff like that, I have a fair amount of hate, you can’t say what you don’t like. I don't want to, yeah, I want to say hate, and I'm not talking now, I mean long before I started lifting.”

As Sam Sleck's fame grows, several bodybuilders have weighed in on his fitness gains. Five-time Classic Physique Olympian Chris Bumstead was impressed with Sleck and hinted that he could one day take the “reins” if he chooses to retire.

Nick “The Mutant” Walker and others have suggested that Sleck was sending a dangerous message to young viewers, suggesting that if they followed his advice and content consistently, they too could become like him. It is claimed that there is. Fan backlash against Sleck reached a boiling point, prompting Lee Priest to intervene and defend the young influencer.

Sam Sleck's physique also caught the attention of Joe Rogan. The podcast host discussed Slek's physique and steroid use on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience. Logan said she could hear the steroids in Sam's voice and thought his end goal was to continue gaining size.

Fans are eagerly anticipating Sam Sleck's future and hope to see him take on the world's best physiques in the bodybuilding arena.

Watch the full YouTube video from Sam Sulek's YouTube channel below.

Related: Lee Priest and Milos Sarcev talk about PEDs and Sam Slek: 'He has every possibility'

This story was written by Doug Murray, Fitness Volt News Editor. Doug is passionate about strength sports, bodybuilding, and powerlifting and is dedicated to providing accurate and insightful news with his reporting. He loves connecting with readers and is happy to answer any questions.

If you have any questions about this news article, please feel free to contact Doug. Leave a comment below.

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