Home Products Sagamore Bridge construction photos: Stalled traffic, hard hats

Sagamore Bridge construction photos: Stalled traffic, hard hats

by Universalwellnesssystems

combat photographer Robert Capa “If your picture is good enough, you’re not close enough.”

made by kappa D-Day landed with troops Normandy had a front row spot in history for his entire photography career. With that enthusiasm, I embarked on far less dangerous but still heart-pounding adventures, up and down the river. Sagami Bridgeis currently under construction.

Anyone within a 500 mile radius cape cod We are familiar with this famous structure. Built in 1933, this venerable old steel girder arch is often the first and last chapter of your Cape Cod vacation and is usually not a good read. It is famous for traffic jams all year round.

Compressor hoses, shovels and brooms fill the driveway, along with piles of jackhammered pavement, along with crews repairing the dilapidated Sagamore Bridge.

At that time – the government. Mitt Romney vowed to demolish the old Sagamore roundabout on the mainland side, raising hopes of faster traffic flow. I was there on December 3, 2004, when the governor picked up a jackhammer he thought was off and posed for a series of media outlets.

But it was on. He pulled a lever and sprayed the photography crew with concrete shards.

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