WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) – An unusual sight has become a common sight at many intersections across town.

These appear to be affixed to electrical wiring boxes and some have argued they are satanic and should be removed.

Many others have defended the post by leaving it up, saying it’s art.

“It wasn’t really arts-based, it was more of a psychological evaluation, it was just a tool to get people talking,” Art Park owner Charles Baughman said.

The test was created by psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in the early 1900s.

These images were inkblots and were used as a means to understand different personality types and mental disorders.

“Their goal was to find out what people were seeing. So if everyone sees a butterfly, that’s great, but if everyone sees a devil,

Rorschach is schizophrenia I saw the images in a different light than other people.

The Rorschach Test can be seen at the intersection of Kellogg and Oliver, Central and Oliver, and other areas of Wichita.

It remains unclear who is placing the Rorschach tests around town, or why they are being placed on utility pole boxes.