Home Nutrition Risk of Popular Supplements, From Vitamin D to Magnesium

Risk of Popular Supplements, From Vitamin D to Magnesium

by Universalwellnesssystems

Supplements can address deficiencies, but they also come with the risk of overdosing.
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  • Dietary supplements have become popular among Americans.
  • However, taking too many supplements like fish oil and vitamin D can be harmful.
  • A toxicologist talks about the side effects of overdosing on one of the most popular supplements.

Nutritional supplements are big business. Research shows more than half of U.S. adults take them, and the market is predicted to be worth $200 billion by 2025.

But while we may think supplements are safe, even the most popular supplements can be dangerous if taken in excess or interact with other medications. , Professor Rob Chilcott, head of toxicology at the University of Hertfordshire, UK, told Business Insider.

Additionally, supplements, unlike prescription drugs, are not FDA-approved and run the risk of being contaminated or cut with other substances not listed on the package.For example, one study in 2023 found that 89% 57 The dietary supplements tested did not accurately list the ingredients contained on the label.

Although experts generally agree that it’s best to get nutrients from food, supplements may be helpful for people with certain deficiencies or those whose diets are lacking in nutrients. there is.

Chilcott shared the long-term risks of taking too much of some of the most popular supplements.


Magnesium is essential for muscle and nerve function and for regulating blood sugar levels. The recommended daily intake for adults is 310 to 420 milligrams, depending on age and gender, which is equivalent to eating a handful of almonds or eight small potatoes.

According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, magnesium overdose has been observed in people who took more than 5,000 mg per day and can cause drowsiness, loss of reflexes, facial flushing, and in extreme cases paralysis and death. It is said that there is. Chilcott.

Taking too much magnesium can cause extremely low calcium levels, called hypocalcemia, which can lead to a range of health problems, Chilcott said. These include depression, seizures, and arrhythmia, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr Chilcott said people with poor kidney function or hypothyroidism were particularly at risk of overdosing on magnesium.

vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the immune system function and the body absorb iron. Chilcott said vitamin C is generally considered safe and overdosing on vitamin C is extremely rare. Adults need to take in 75 to 90 mg of vitamin C every day, and you can get up to 2,000 mg of vitamin C each day before it causes negative health effects. This is about the same amount as eating 28 oranges or 21 bell peppers.

Chilcott said consuming more than 2,000 mg of magnesium per day can cause fatigue, kidney problems and vitamin B12 deficiency.

He said people with gout, liver cirrhosis, and certain kidney diseases should especially avoid taking high doses of vitamin C.

vitamin D

Your body needs vitamin D for your immune system, muscles, and nerves to function, and it’s also important for strong bones. According to the ODS, people are recommended to consume 15 micrograms of vitamin D per day and no more than 100 micrograms, which is equal to 13.5 eggs or 5 cups of fortified dairy or plant-based milk. This is approximately the same amount that can be taken from.

According to the ODS, if you consume less than 250 micrograms of vitamin D per day, you are unlikely to experience symptoms even if you consume too much vitamin D.

Of all the supplements Chilcott talked about, this one is the most potentially dangerous, but only at very high doses, he said. “The known health benefits of taking recommended doses far outweigh the risks,” he said.

According to Chilcott, Taking too much vitamin D is dangerous because it increases calcium levels in the blood, which can cause conjunctivitis, pain, fever and chills, vomiting, and weight loss.

The main condition that increases susceptibility to vitamin D toxicity is kidney disease, he said.

BI previously reported on a man who died from vitamin D poisoning.

fish oil

According to ODS, omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as fish are important for cellular health and serve many functions in the heart, blood vessels, lungs, immune system, and endocrine system.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced that it is safe to take up to 2 grams of fish oil supplements per day. This is the equivalent of eating one 3-ounce serving of cooked farmed salmon.

Chilcott said the main risks associated with fish oil are not the supplement itself, but the contaminants the fish may have ingested while it was alive. These toxins can include heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium.

According to ODS, the heavy metal methylmercury is removed during processing and refining of fish oil supplements, and one 2021 study found that the supplements tested were free of arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, and mercury. It is said that he did. However, the same study found that some supplements contain lead.

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