Home Medicine “Rewriting the Textbook” for Precision Medicine

“Rewriting the Textbook” for Precision Medicine

by Universalwellnesssystems

Precision medicine puts the patient at the center of healthcare and uses a range of tools to develop tailored, targeted treatments and diagnostics.

Precision medicine, which promises to ‘revolutionize’ the landscape of modern medicine, requires in-depth knowledge of the molecular basis of health and disease states. Advances in molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics platforms have helped deliver such knowledge, equipping researchers and physicians with the tools to implement precision medicine approaches across a variety of disease areas.

So far, oncology, the field of cancer research and treatment, has arguably benefited the most from precision medicine. But pharmaceutical and biotech company AstraZeneca believes precision medicine will “rewrite the textbooks” of diagnosing and treating chronic diseases. technology network I had the pleasure of speaking with him recently. Mark FiddockAstraZeneca’s Vice President, Diagnostics Development, Precision Medicine, to find out how the company is ‘meeting the challenge’ of delivering precision medicines for chronic diseases.

Molly Campbell (MC): Can you talk about some of the ways AstraZeneca is aggressively pursuing precision medicine?

Mark Fiddock (MF): An interesting metric is that if you look at our portfolio, over 90% of them have a precision medicine strategy.Precision medicine as a strategy When As a discipline, it practically covers the full spectrum of pharmaceutical research and development. This includes finding new targets that need to use the most advanced methods available, advancing and pioneering new technologies and, of course, promoting better patient outcomes and a more sustainable healthcare system. It includes doing

One area in which we have made significant progress is oncology. AstraZeneca has already achieved more than 50 companion diagnostics with regulatory approval across various indications and various sample types. This has enabled the development of innovative targeted therapies to benefit millions of cancer patients worldwide.

The work and successes we have achieved in oncology have largely created a ‘framework’ for developing precision medicine approaches for chronic diseases. We have to recognize that we are very diverse. Therefore, an important priority in this area is to investigate how to deploy and use precision medicine to improve our understanding of disease and lead to better patients. result.

The opportunities in the field of precision medicine are enormous, especially for chronic diseases. Through precision medicine, we are in an era that is rewriting textbooks for many indications and ultimately changing the way patients are treated.

MC: Let’s talk more about tools and technology. What are the key technological developments that help us understand the biology behind disease and use that information to tailor treatments?

Midfielders: One of the key technology areas where AstraZeneca is a leader is genomics research. Our Genomics Research Center aims to sequence 2 million genomes by 2026. The group behind this project uses highly innovative bioinformatic analytical methods to search for rare variants associated with disease. In doing so, they are uncovering new biological insights into disease, discovering new therapeutic targets, and explaining disease in a more granular, near-molecular, or genetic way.

This creates an opportunity to develop targeted therapies for different segments of specific diseases.

Prime examples include discovery of novel targets in respiratory and immune diseases, cardiovascular research, renal and metabolic diseases.One of AstraZeneca’s areas of interest is pulmonary fibrosis, and the group We have previously published the discovery of a gene called SPDL1 It has been identified in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

of SPDL1 The gene encodes a protein known as “Spindly” that is responsible for signaling during cell division. Previously, this gene has not been described in association with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The identification of new mechanisms underpinning disease opens the door to the discovery of new treatments.

In cardiomyopathy, the group also announced the results of the survey. TTN geneBoth examples are important examples of how genomic technology can be used to advance our understanding of disease. These publications are widely shared among the scientific community.

of TTN The gene codes for a protein called “titin”. Truncated variants of this gene contribute to approximately 15-25% of cases of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition in which the left ventricle enlarges.

MC: Please tell us about the importance of biomarkers in precision medicine. How are they used to identify patients and develop targeted therapies?

Midfielders: I believe the opportunities for precision medicine in all the disease indications that AstraZeneca is exploring are huge. It enhances our ability to rewrite the medical textbooks that doctors use to understand, diagnose, and treat disease.

how do i do this? A central aspect of precision medicine is the identification of predictive biomarkers. This is achieved through insights gleaned using genomic studies and other means. Predictive biomarkers offer the opportunity to enroll appropriate patients into clinical trials and best develop targeted companion diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

In disease areas where multiple targeted treatment options are already available, we are also identifying biomarkers to select patients.An example is Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) A second example is IL33. It’s a cytokine seen and elevated in a variety of indications, from asthma to diabetic kidney disease and even his COVID-19.

These are areas where biomarkers (and the scientific research surrounding biomarkers) are helping to identify suitable patients, thereby identifying where targeted therapies will yield the most beneficial clinical outcomes. can give instructions.

MC: Please tell us about the importance of collaboration in the field of precision medicine. How is AstraZeneca progressing joint projects?

Midfielders: AstraZeneca is very collaborative waywith many collaborations established in each of the various research spaces we choose to operate.

We need to develop companion diagnostics that are scalable and have global reach. As such, they are not only compatible with our targeted therapies, but are analytically and clinically validated to demonstrate patient benefit. We have built a strong partnership. This really allows maximum access to the patient. We also ensure that these diagnostics are used consistently within regulatory requirements wherever they are used in the world.

Through one of our collaborations with Almac, we are developing and validating companion diagnostic tests for patient selection in various clinical trials in various therapeutic areas such as chronic kidney disease, NASH and respiratory diseases. This is a robust framework that can be adapted for use in other ongoing collaborations. Roche diagnosisamong others.

When it comes to challenges, when it comes to being innovative, leading the field, creating information that “rewrites the rulebook”, and “rewrites” how we derive treatments, there are of course some challenges. I think we can all agree that health is a basic right and a basic right we should have. all It should be accessible, comprehensive and personalized. We believe precision medicine is an important part of this service, improving health and improving health equity. We need to discuss the full adoption of this approach into clinical practice by all health systems. This is achieved through interactions, partnerships and participation in symposiums and summits. AstraZeneca recently spoke at the World Health Summit. AstraZeneca aims to work with a panel of external leaders from various diagnostic institutions to discuss policies and how they can help bring new approaches to the clinical community and healthcare structure.

MC: Looking ahead to the future of precision medicine, what are AstraZeneca’s key priorities for precision medicine? What do you think this space will look like in say 10-15 years?

Midfielders: The more we use precision medicine in the field of chronic diseases, and the more science begins to shed light on how these complex chronic diseases arise and their etiology, the more we look to develop new treatments. I can.A diagnostically appropriate patient population can be identified for treatment, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes in the long term.

What will happen in the future? I believe the key focus will be on the following questions: How do we bring new diagnostics into clinical practice? How do we bring precision medicine to patients? The future depends on patient convenience. It would be great if one day we could bring molecular diagnostics into our homes so that patients could monitor the progress of their disease. This includes incorporating digital advances into various areas of precision medicine, such as advances in artificial intelligence (AI). how do i do this? How can digital media be used to derive actionable diagnostic data that patients can take diagnostic tests in their own settings? These are important considerations.

Much of the future is aimed at further developing our scientific understanding of chronic disease, bringing together all the learnings we’ve gained in precision medicine, and maximizing patient outcomes. Deep understanding at the molecular, genetic, or metabolic level. This ensures that the patient is at the center of everything and that they can do what they can. You can have the benefits and convenience of precision medicine in the future.

Mark Fiddock, Vice President, Diagnostics Development, Precision Medicine, AstraZeneca, spoke with Molly Campbell, Senior Science Writer, Technology Network.

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