Home Fitness Retro walking — or going backward — is good for you, experts say

Retro walking — or going backward — is good for you, experts say

by Universalwellnesssystems

Editor’s note: Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Stop immediately if you feel pain.


If you go to the gym, you might see people walking backwards on a treadmill or pedaling backwards on an elliptical machine. Some people may incorporate inversion exercises as part of their physical therapy, while others may do it to improve their strength and overall health.

“I think it’s great to add some backward movement into your day,” says Grayson Wickham, a physical therapist at Lux Physical Therapy and Functional Medicine in New York City. “Today, people sit too much and lack a variety of movement.”

A considerable amount of research has been conducted on the potential benefits of retrowalking (a common term referring to walking backwards). The study found that participants who walked backwards on a treadmill for 30 minutes at a time over a four-week period improved their balance, walking pace, and cardiovascular fitness. March 2021 Survey.

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Experts say when you first start walking backwards, go slowly. Start by doing it for 5 minutes a few times a week.

Additionally, one group of women reduced body fat and improved their cardiovascular fitness after a six-week backwards running and walking program. clinical trialthe results were published in the April 2005 issue of the International Journal of Sports Medicine.

Other research shows that backward movements may help people with knee osteoarthritis and chronic lower back painfurther improve gait and balance.

Your brain requires more attention when you move in this novel way, so retro walking will sharpen your mind and help you become more attentive. For this reason, in addition to the fact that backward movements can help maintain balance, older adults may particularly benefit from incorporating backward walks into their daily routines. 2021 study The proportion of chronic stroke patients shows.

Why is a backward movement so useful? “When you move forward, it’s a hamstring-dominant movement,” says Landry Estes, a certified strength and conditioning specialist in College Station, Texas. “If you’re walking backwards, the roles are reversed, stretching your knees while working your quadriceps.”

As a result, you will be working different muscles, which is always beneficial and will also improve your strength. “Strength overcomes many weaknesses,” Estes says.

They also move their bodies in unusual ways. Wickham said most people spend their days living and moving in the sagittal plane (forward and backward movement), almost exclusively in the anterior sagittal plane.

“Your body adapts to the positions, movements, and postures you perform most often,” says Wickham. “This causes muscles and joints to stiffen, causing joint compensation, leading to joint wear and tear, and pain and injury. It will be more beneficial.”

The retro movement is by no means a new idea. people of china They have been walking backwards for their physical and mental health for centuries.It is also common to retreat sports — Think of a soccer player and a referee.

Famous events such as the Boston Marathon also feature reverse running and walking races, with people sometimes traveling in opposite directions during the competition. lauren zytomelski They did this in 2018 to raise money for epilepsy research and try to break a world record. (He achieved the former, but not the latter.)

It’s very easy to get started. As with any new exercise, the key is to take it slow. Wickham says you can start by walking backwards for five minutes a few times a week. Or you can walk for 20 minutes, of which he spends 5 minutes going in the opposite direction. Once your body gets used to the movement, you can increase your time or pace, or try more difficult movements like walking backwards on a squat.

“If you’re young and exercise regularly, you can probably walk backwards for as long as you want,” Wickham says. “It’s relatively safe in itself.”

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Walking backwards while pulling a sled is one of Estes’ favorite exercises. But if you can find it, walking backwards on a self-propelled treadmill is also great, he said. Electric treadmills are an option, but Estes says it’s more beneficial to exercise on your own.

Taking a retro walk outdoors is another option, one Wickham recommends. “Treadmills simulate walking, but it’s not very natural. Plus, you can fall. There’s less danger if you fall outside.”

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Some people try reverse pedaling on training equipment, such as an elliptical machine, to improve their fitness and overall health.

If you choose retro walking on a treadmill, especially an electric treadmill, start by grabbing the handrail and setting your speed fairly slow. As you get used to the movements, you’ll be able to walk faster, make steeper inclines, and let go of handrails.

If you want to try it outdoors, first choose a safe location, such as a grassy area in a park. Then begin your retro adventure by rotating from your big toe to your heel, keeping your head and chest upright.

You may need to peek over your shoulder from time to time, but you don’t want to do it all the time because it will distort your body.. Another option is to walk with a friend who can act as your eyes and look ahead. After a few minutes, switch roles so your friend can also enjoy the benefits.

“It’s great to have a lot of variety,” Wickham said. “One of the things he does is do things backwards.”

Melanie Rajicki McManus I’m a freelance writer specializing in hiking, travel, and fitness.

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