Home Mental Health Republicans Push to Make ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ a Mental Illness

Republicans Push to Make ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ a Mental Illness

by Universalwellnesssystems

Five Minnesota senators will implement a bill that classifies “Trump Mad Syndrome” (TDS) tomorrow, according to state documents (TDS).

Newsweek We contacted state Senate minority and majority leaders for comment via the contact form on Sunday morning.

Why is it important?

Throughout his presidential election, Trump and his top communications advisors include current White House press chief Caroline Levitt and communications director Stephen Chong – repeatedly accusing many critics of having a “severe incident of Trump’s crazy syndrome,” as he said before. Newsweek. The phrase is also used by Republican politicians and talk show hosts.

Bills attempting to classify TDS as a mental illness raise concerns about the politicization of mental health diagnosis. This can be used to misunderstand proper care, reduce other mental health concerns, and suppress dissent and political expression.

What do you know

On Monday, the bill will be introduced and read before the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Committee. The bill text will be available online starting Thursday.

Five co-sponsors, state senators Glen Gulenhagen, Justin Echon, Nathan Wesenberg, Steve Drazkowsky and Eric Lucero say TDS should be added to the definition of mental illness and incorporated into the state’s legal definition through amended law.

Republican lawmakers wrote that symptoms could “contain common hysteria from Trump,” which creates indistinguishable differences in legitimate policy in President Donald J. Trump’s actions and signs of psychopathology.”

Minnesota State Capitol
The Minnesota State Capitol will be seen in St. Paul, Minnesota on December 3, 2024, before sunrise.

AP Photo/Steve Karnowski

They further state that these symptoms can manifest themselves as violent verbal hostility towards Trump and “obvious acts of assault and violence” against supporters.

The co-sponsor states that the term should be included in state laws related to mental illness.

Democrats and others have argued that TDS is not a legitimate state and that clinical data does not support its existence. They say instead it is a political label used to dismiss criticism of the president. Others point out that TDS can be applied to stubborn Trump supporters who critically defend him, regardless of fact or outcome.

Democrats – The Farmer Laborg Party (DFL) holds a narrow seat majority in the upper chamber. Meanwhile, the Minnesota House is evenly divided, with both DFL and Republicans controlling 67 seats each.

What people are saying

Ed Krassenstein, an anti-Trump influencer with a million followers on his former Twitter X, wrote on Sunday. “Minnesota Senate Republicans have just introduced a bill to classify “Trump’s Disorder Syndrome” as a mental illness. Should the Minnesota Democrats introduce a bill that classifies “Maga” as a cult? I support the first bill, but the second attack, and congratulations.

White House Press Secretary Caroline Leavitt wrote in X in February: “Trump Madness opposes Democrats and the media to President Trump’s common sense efforts to reduce billions of dollars in waste, fraud and abuse from the federal government.

What happens next?

The bill is expected to be read by a DFL-led committee on Monday. Typically, a state Senate bill must be reviewed by a committee, and then a vote is required to reject the bill or move it to the Senate floor.

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