Home Fitness Regular exercise lowers risk for people with diabetes

Regular exercise lowers risk for people with diabetes

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Experts say regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease. rbkomar/Getty Images
  • Researchers say that for people with obesity and other weight problems, moderate to vigorous exercise may help lower the risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
  • Their study found that people who exercised vigorously for 329 to 469 minutes per week had a significantly lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
  • Experts say it's reassuring for people with kidney disease that there are inexpensive ways to reduce or prevent the progression of symptoms.

Moderate to vigorous physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease in people with type 2 diabetes who also have obesity and other weight problems, according to a report. study Published in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The researchers performed a secondary analysis using data from. Look beyond the trialis a multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing cardiovascular disease outcomes with an intensive lifestyle intervention to standard diabetes support and education.

Researchers looked at the records of 5,145 adults with diabetes who also had weight problems, with an average follow-up of 12 years. During the monitoring period, 567 participants, or about one in three, progressed to chronic kidney disease.

Eight of the 16 trial sites with 1,746 participants used activity trackers. The average age of these people was 58 years old, and more than half were women.

Scientists point out that:

  • The average weekly total time of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was 329 minutes.
  • For those with cumulative exercise in periods of less than 10 minutes, the average weekly total was 267 minutes.
  • There were 41 participants who accumulated more than 10 minutes of activity.

Overall, we found that higher weekly cumulative averages were associated with approximately 8% lower risk per 100 minutes of activity. If the duration of the activity at a time is at least 10 minutes, this percentage increased to 19%.

Researchers reported that people who improved their weekly logs by about an hour reduced their risk of developing chronic kidney disease by about 33%.

Participants who were active for 329 to 469 minutes were significantly less likely to progress to chronic kidney disease than those who completed less than 220 minutes of vigorous activity.

Because this was only an observational study, the scientists did not determine cause and effect.

“This study is a secondary analysis of the Look AHEAD study. This study is a high-quality study with an observational component that yielded many insights into morbidity, disability, and how best to care for people with diabetes to prevent diabetes. It is a rigorously conducted clinical trial with a “mortality rate.'' Dr. Babak Orandi, abdominal transplant surgeon, obesity medicine specialist, and director of the Perioperative Weight Assessment and Weight Loss (POWER) Clinic at NYU Langone Health in New York. “This study found that even brief, moderate to vigorous physical activity of less than 10 minutes was associated with a lower risk of chronic kidney disease.”

“It's reassuring to have data that confirm what I thought and hoped was true. More is better than less when it comes to physical activity to prevent serious illnesses such as chronic kidney disease.” But even 10 minutes is better than not doing it at all,” said Orandi, who was not involved in the study. Today's medical news.

Chronic kidney disease is a condition caused when the kidneys are damaged so that they no longer filter blood properly, leaving excess fluid and waste in the body. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Fluid buildup can lead to heart disease, stroke, or other serious medical problems.

about 15% of adults Some people in the United States have chronic kidney disease.

Kidney disease usually progresses over time, but sometimes treatment can slow its progression.

“Although there are a number of effective but expensive drugs available to slow the progression of kidney disease, it is helpful to have data confirming that kidney disease can be prevented with a simple, free intervention that takes a relatively short time,” Orandi said. Stated.

“These findings will be an inspiration to many people who struggle to incorporate exercise into their daily routines,” he added. “For many people, exercise conjures up negative images of intimidating gym environments, pain, and discomfort.'' Moderate to vigorous physical activity is often associated with gym memberships, trainers, classes, and special equipment. It can be accomplished without one and can be done in the privacy of a relatively small space at home.”

of National Kidney Foundation We recommend treatment and management of underlying conditions that may be contributing to kidney disease, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It is essential for people at such risk to see a nephrologist regularly.

It's also important to manage complications, including taking steps to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

There are several drugs that can slow the progression of the disease, including ACE inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors.

Statins may also be prescribed for people with chronic kidney disease who are over 50 and have a history of heart disease or diabetes.

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