Home Products Regular Exercise Linked to Lower Parkinson’s Risk

Regular Exercise Linked to Lower Parkinson’s Risk

by Universalwellnesssystems

summary: From biking and walking to gardening and housework, regular physical activity may reduce your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

The study found that the most active women had a 25% lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease than the least active women. Although this study does not prove that exercise directly reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, it does show an important link.

Important facts:

  1. The study involved 95,354 female participants, mostly teachers, with an average age of 49 years, none of whom had Parkinson’s disease at the start of the study.
  2. Over 30 years, 1,074 participants developed Parkinson’s disease.
  3. After adjusting for various factors, when physical activity was assessed up to 10 years before diagnosis, the highest activity group had a 25% lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease than the lowest activity group. Researchers have found that

sauce: Earn

Regular exercise, such as cycling, walking, gardening, cleaning, and participating in sports, may reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, according to new research.

The study found that female participants who exercised the most had a 25% lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease than those who exercised the least. This study does not prove that exercise reduces the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. It just shows relevance.

Study author Alexis Elbaz, M.D., Ph.D., said, “Because exercise is a low-cost way to improve overall health We wanted to determine if it was associated with a reduced risk of developing Kinson’s disease.” PhD at his Inserm Research Center in Paris, France.

“Our results provide evidence for intervention planning to prevent Parkinson’s disease.”

The researchers also found that 10 years before diagnosis, Parkinson’s patients were less active than those without, due to the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.Credit: Neuroscience News

The study included 95,354 female participants, mostly teachers, with an average age of 49 who were Parkinson’s-free at the start of the study. The researchers followed the participants for 30 years, during which time 1,074 participants developed Parkinson’s disease.

During the course of the study, participants completed up to six questionnaires about the type and amount of physical activity they received.

They asked how far they walked each day, how many stairs they climbed, how many hours they spent doing household chores, and how much time they spent doing moderate recreational activities such as gardening and more vigorous activities such as sports. .

The researchers assigned a score to each activity based on task metabolic equivalents (METs), a way to quantify energy expenditure.

For each activity, METs were multiplied by its frequency and duration to obtain a physical activity score of METs hours per week. For example, a more vigorous activity such as cycling was 6 METs, while a less intense activity such as walking or cleaning was 3 METs.

Participants’ average physical activity level at study initiation was 45 METs hours per week.

Participants were divided into four equal groups of just over 24,000 each. At the start of the study, the average physical activity score for those in the highest group was 71 MET hours per week. The lowest group had an average score of 27 MET hours per week.

Participants in the most physically active group had 246 cases of Parkinson’s disease, or 0.55 per 1,000 person-years, compared to 286 cases of Parkinson’s disease, or 0.55 cases per 1,000 person-years, in the least active group. 0.73 cases per 1,000 person-years. Person-years represent both the number of people who participated in the study and the time each person spent on the study.

After adjusting for factors such as place of residence, age at menarche, menopausal status, and smoking, the researchers found that when physical activity was low, the most active group had more Parkinson’s disease than the least active group. They found a 25% lower incidence of disease. Assessed 10 years prior to diagnosis. This association was maintained when physical activity was assessed up to 15 or 20 years before diagnosis.

The results were similar after adjusting for diet and medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

The researchers also found that 10 years before diagnosis, Parkinson’s patients were less active than those without, due to the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

“Not only did our large study find that the most physically active female participants had a lower incidence of Parkinson’s disease, but the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are unlikely to explain these results. Exercise may be beneficial instead and may help slow or prevent the disease,” Elbaz said.

“Our results support the creation of exercise programs to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.”

A limitation of this study was that most of the participants were health-conscious educators who volunteered to participate in the long-term study, so results may vary in the general population.

Funding: The study was supported by the National Union of Education, the Gustave Roussy Institute, the French Cancer Federation, and the French National Research Institute.

About this exercise and Parkinson’s research news

author: Natalie Conrad
sauce: Earn
contact: Natalie Conrad – AAN
image: Image credited to Neuroscience News

Original research: Findings are displayed below neurology

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