Home Health Care Regents review policy updates in response to federal guidance | Newsroom

Regents review policy updates in response to federal guidance | Newsroom

by Universalwellnesssystems

The University of Nebraska Council Committee held a special meeting on February 25th, reviewing relevant bylaws and policies recently letter Shared by the US Department of Education.

The conference, held at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege St., Lincoln, began with comments from Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, at the University of Nebraska. Strategic Planning Initiatives.

“We have been working on the strategic planning process for almost six months since our first day as your university president,” Dr. Gold said. “Part of that process has been a commitment to review, discuss and update policies and procedures, including committee bylaws, policies and standing rules.”

Policy and bylaws will be included for review at the February 25th meeting.

Regent’s policy amendments:

  • RP-3.1.3 (Equal Opportunity Employment)
  • RP-5.2.1 (Admission criteria)
  • RP-5.7.4 (Tuition Fee Level)
  • RP-5.8.4 (Non-resident tuition remission for alumni children)\
  • Addendum VI-A-1

Updates to the Board’s bylaws:

  • Section 3.0 (Addendum VI-A-2)

Dr. Gold noted that many of these policies had not been updated since the early 1980s and that revisions were needed to reflect current terminology, program names and admin titles.

“The process is on schedule and we are deeply grateful to all of the members of the Varner Hall team, our prime minister, and many of the members who provided the wisdom they needed to help them get updated,” he said.

A February 14 letter from the U.S. Department of Education urged universities to call special meetings to address the possibilities Changes to ordinances and policies Dr. Gold said earlier than originally planned. The letter, shared across the country, prompted similar reviews at universities and universities across the country.

While policy changes can be enacted on a single board vote, changes to the bylaws require a two-meat review process prior to formal adoption. As a result, these potential changes will be considered at future meetings, along with a broader review of all university bylaws.

The board will continue its review process at upcoming meetings on April 11th.

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