Home Fitness Ree Drummond’s Weight Loss Guide: Simple Steps to Shed Pounds

Ree Drummond’s Weight Loss Guide: Simple Steps to Shed Pounds

by Universalwellnesssystems

Famous blogger Lee Drummond’s weight loss surprised the audience. The 54-year-old blogger and cooking show host also revealed her 55-pound weight loss on her blog. It was a simple but important moment on a night of chips and salsa that made her choose a different path. She realized a change was needed, especially with her daughter’s wedding approaching. This marked the beginning of her amazing weight loss journey.

Lee Drummond, also known as The Pioneer Woman, is currently enjoying the healthiest and happiest life with her husband and children. Let her reveal her secret behind her transformation.

Who is Lee Drummond?

Lee Drummond is a popular American blogger, food writer, and author. her blog, pioneer womanprovides an insight into her life as a ranch wife and mother. For the third year in a row, she also won the Weblog of the Year award.

She was named one of Forbes magazine’s top 25 web celebrities in 2010. Based on her popularity of her blog, Drummond now appears on her own show on Food Her Network and launches her line of home lifestyle products including cutlery, cookware, appliances, and clothing. raising. All under the brand “The Pioneer Woman”.

Profile and stats

  • Real name: Anne-Marie Drummond
  • Birthplace: Oklahoma, USA
  • Date of birth: January 6, 1969
  • Age in 2023: 54
  • Height: 5 feet 8 inches (175 cm)
  • Weight: 152 lbs (69 kg)

lee drummond weight loss Journey

Anne-Marie, or as she is affectionately called Lee, blogs all about her weight loss – pioneer woman. It’s where she talks about her family, way of life, holidays, entertainment, and delicious food recipes. She also spoke candidly about her amazing 55-pound weight loss journey.

Lee has gained a little weight over the last few years and wanted to get in shape for her daughter Alex’s wedding in 2021. Her biggest motivation was simply to make her feel better and more energetic. She didn’t hire a fancy trainer, dive into the keto or paleo diet, or follow a special or strict eating plan. While these methods work wonders for many, Lee decided to take a different route. Let’s see how Lee Drummond lost her weight with her own approach.

lee drummond diet

Renowned food blogger Lee Drummond embarked on a weight loss journey in January 2021. Despite her challenges as a foodie, she continued her disciplined efforts. Her strategy was multifaceted, focusing on different aspects of diet and habits to reach her weight loss goals. Let’s take a closer look at how she did it.

1. Calorie management

The main goal here is to take in fewer calories than you burn. This is an important step in any weight loss plan (1). Ms. Lee also increased her calorie consumption through exercise and daily life.

If you’re not seeing weight loss results, tracking your calories may help. Lee used an online calculator to estimate her daily calorie intake. Note that too few calories may be unsafe and less effective (2). So strive for sustainable and healthy calorie reduction.

When choosing foods, keep in mind that some vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn are high in carbohydrates and calories. therefore. Choose options such as oats, berries, or fish instead.

2. Food weighing and portion control

Over the course of five months, Lee gradually adjusted her diet to help her lose weight. Weighing food was the key to knowing portions, and Lee understood that. She used a digital food scale to measure food to the gram and helped her track calories accurately. This method improved her weight loss progress and gave her a clearer picture of her portions. Therefore, she was able to enjoy a delicious meal while consuming less.

3. Amplified protein intake

Like many successful weight loss journeys, Lee increased her daily protein intake. She started getting about 15%-20% of her calories from protein, then moved to 30%-40%.

Protein reduces hunger and boosts metabolism, burning about 80-100 more calories per day (3), (Four). So she focused on eating high-protein foods such as egg whites, chicken, fish, lean beef, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, Swiss cheese, and dark leafy greens.

4. Cut down on sugar intake

Foods and drinks high in sugar are often high in calories but lack filling nutrients such as fiber and protein. This can lead to weight gain (Five). Lee recognized this and decided to watch his sugar intake. She opted for dark chocolate instead of sugary snacks like donuts, which helped cut down on her excess calories. Gradual reduction of added sugars may have positive health effects, such as maintaining a healthy weight and balanced blood sugar levels (6).

5. Temperance

Drinking alcohol adds extra calories to your diet, increases your appetite, and slows your metabolism. Quitting or cutting back on alcohol is a smart move for weight loss (7). Lee chose to eliminate alcohol from her diet for several reasons. Alcohol contains calories and helps your body adapt to a more active lifestyle. I also decided to stop doing something during Lent to further motivate myself. Amazingly, Ms. Lee did just that and stayed abstained from alcohol for over four months during her weight loss journey.

lee drummond workout routine

Lee Drummond’s journey towards a healthier lifestyle wasn’t about achieving a leaner look, but rather about feeling and looking fitter. Her goal was to incorporate basic exercises and activities into her daily routine to achieve it.

standing desk

When Lee was writing her cookbook, she found herself spending long hours on the computer at her desk. There was concern that this long period of sitting would make her less active. To combat this, she introduced an old standing desk. This made a noticeable difference. Working in her standing position allowed her to move her body more, take breaks, and stay active. This adjustment not only reduced the sedentary tendency of desk work, but also enhanced overall movement.

overcome exercise phobia

Lee openly admitted that he tended to avoid exercise, but the weight gain forced him to make a change. Eventually, her exercise became a regular part of her transformation process. Walking the dog two to three miles, using a rowing machine, lifting weights, and practicing Pilates, she still put in some effort into her 50s.

Lee’s workout

She started the day by weighing herself before drinking anything, including water and coffee. This weight was recorded on her favorite app, Happy Scale. This practice not only helped her track her progress, but also gave her a sense of responsibility and consistency in her steps. After that she continued her daily training. She sometimes works out twice a day. Let’s see what her routine includes.

Increase muscle mass with strength training

During her weight loss journey, Lee did some research and realized the importance of muscle mass in burning calories. She knew that working big muscle groups like legs and butt could have a big impact on her calorie-burning efforts. So she added exercises like lunges, squats, straight-leg deadlifts, and calf raises to her routine.

Her strength training routine includes using resistance exercises to build both strength and muscle mass. The study confirmed that strength training her twice a week was more effective in maximizing muscle growth than training only once a week (8).

She mainly focused on Pilates, a form of strength training. Pilates involves repeated low-intensity mat exercises to increase muscle tone. In Pilates she used 5 lbs or her 8 lbs hand weights and sometimes used 5 lbs ankle weights. She contributes greatly to weight loss and weight control (9).

Initially, she trained 5-6 days a week, but eventually reduced it to 2-3 days. Still, she was diligent about her exercise, and the combination of a calorie-deficient diet and volume control allowed her to maintain her progress even when she exercised less frequently.


Ree Drummond’s weight loss journey has been incredible. She is determined that her path to health and well-being is a continuous one. Daily weighing is not for numbers, but for healthy living. She now focuses on overall vitality and not just the number on the scale. From her mindful diet to her exercise intake, she’s fully committed to fitness. This change brought her more than just a physical change. At age 54, she now enjoys the clothes she once avoided and is happily embracing life on her ranch.

Also read: 11 weight loss tips for men to lose weight

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