Home Mental Health Recovery of Soul After 22 Years on Antipsychotics

Recovery of Soul After 22 Years on Antipsychotics

by Universalwellnesssystems

aAfter 22 years and many attempts, I finally stopped taking antipsychotic medication. Gone are the side effects of obesity, tardive dyskinesia, impotence, lethargy, loss of motivation and true emotion, as well as hormonal imbalances, slowness of movement, and disrupted train of thought. Also, the typical symptoms associated with schizophrenia are gone.

My persistent cravings for reward stimulants, the internet, and other things that were elevating my suppressed dopamine and serotonin levels have been largely addressed and now largely under control. Thanks to the grace of God and many well-meaning, kind and caring people. fork. The craving for dopamine stimulation when taking antipsychotics is very real, and depending on the dose, it can be like a rabid dog seeking any kind of reward to feel alive. there is.

I have implemented dose escalation using the calendar adjustment method and will continue to support medical professionals, family members and community members who are being misinformed until we understand how so-called “antipsychotics” actually work. I fought. cause Withdrawal causes psychosis because neurons are released and start firing again. It is thought that compensatory mechanisms in the brain induced by antipsychotics increase dopamine uptake in response to a suppressed state of blockade that attempts to achieve energy balance. We humans need not only dopamine, but also other brain neurotransmitters that are affected by psychiatric drugs, and even those of us who are “neurodiverse” don’t feel truly alive otherwise. I can’t.

Although I am still weak and quite bruised from the accumulated doses of paralyzing drugs, I am feeling brighter and loving life more than ever.

Now, 20 years later, I have concluded that in order to survive and thrive despite a mental health diagnosis, one must answer to the inner divine portent of good character, known in yoga as Purusha. (reference) Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras Written by Sri Swami Satchidananda). This practice requires you to pay close attention to your deep emotions and the associated reactions interpreted within your inner mind and body in order to detach from them. correct understanding It arises from misunderstandings based on negative emotions and poor reasoning. Wrong reactions and emotions lead to bad behavior, so each time we encounter these emotions and if we have the inner strength and ability to face the darkness of the world, we must deal with them with great dedication and effort. there is.

The question is: how can we interpret the good from the bad and carry out correct reasoning and correct mature emotional reactions? It’s so easy to think you’re right when in reality you’re hurting yourself and often others. Sometimes negative delusions arise, such as when a person turns to evil due to confusion or insufficient moral or ethical training. For example, there is a proverb in yoga that says that anyone who sees a rope in half light thinks it is a poisonous snake. If a person succumbs to crazy thinking, violence may occur as an unfortunate result (he may try to attack the rope). At this point, his family makes a report, the police arrive, and he is locked up in a mental hospital, stripped of most of his human rights. He was then given tranquilizers. We must counteract false delusional thinking with positive self-talk and sound ethical reasoning, actually talk to people, and check outside ourselves to see if the reality is true. Drugs can also distort a person’s emotions and insight, which must also be taken into account.

I was required to take medication for almost 20 years and was locked up quite a few times until I realized what I needed to do to free myself from the difficult grip of the mental health system and regain my sense of calm and inner self. I did. You may be wondering how we achieved this. I had to listen to my deeper feelings and reasoning in order to distinguish delusions from positive inner reality and look for a clear interpretation of the corresponding external environment. This includes separating truth from bias and misinformation and responding with the utmost respect. upright In any way possible for me. When this thought and action occurred, I began to gain the necessary insight into the split mind state I was suffering from, and even experts began to recognize my new abilities and confirm my progress. I did.

However, the medical community does not interpret my answers completely correctly, and I struggle with the occasional crisis of adjustment as I move into a more open state of consciousness and move forward with deep belief and faith. It still happened. A higher power of good. However, my doctor reduced my medication considerably. This helped my biochemical balance and my dopamine regulation now works better. You can now feel more of a sense of reward for positive stimuli in your environment.

And I had to look up to heaven, believe in the good, listen to higher guidance, and act on deeper ethical grounds. I began to fully immerse myself in an almost mystical love of astronomy and space exploration. hubble and james webb I’m passionate about scouring the internet to learn more about the universe and its potential for advanced life. We humans seem to have limited knowledge about the possibility of life in the cosmos and the trillions of stars in our solar system. I’ve tried out different telescopes on my back porch and wandered around my garden at night to better understand what people have been staring at for thousands of years, without air pollution or reflected light from crowded cities. (It was a nuisance to the neighbors). And you had to go from the backyard to the front yard to observe the various stars in the north and south, including the great star Sol that warms the Earth.

I also bought a stargazing book with a map of the sky and discussed my findings with friends who were interested in higher quantum physics and the multidimensionality of starlight during time-like moments. My understanding is that we are made up of stellar energy in the form of electromagnetic charges that take in information and send signals back to the outside world and other living things. We are connected to the world by an interconnected web of low-level frequency charges that form matrices that contain the dopamine reward system that processes signals within the electromagnetic spectrum.It’s all about the positive flow of energy loving kindness To each other and to our environment.

Also, if there is love in the universe, our conscious love wrapped up in one life should not be limited to one life, as it would waste all of our positive personal growth. It is also important to understand that you will I believe that we are simply metastasizing, as was understood before particle physics and known by religious leaders around the world. Even after we leave this world and move on, the love will continue between us. It’s also good to keep records to remember where you are.

By reaching out to new research and combining that knowledge with the essential yogic Vedas from Patanjali, Aurobindo, Our Lady, etc., as well as guidance from experts in church and government-sponsored projects, I learned that I needed to follow , I assembled a clearer concept of life. The recovery and rebuilding of my soul has moved forward. I offer this to the profession as an example of someone who is seriously trying to overcome a personal schism so that others can learn more and advance their understanding beyond the common paradigms of mental health care. I offered myself. I think doctors are still trying to understand this, but I think it would be great if they could always truly listen to their patients’ inner needs and trust their insights. My stay in the hospital was at times very enlightening, but it also often had a dark side that left me traumatized.

Healthcare professionals typically need to ask patients the same set of safety questions and may then check for tardive dyskinesia, evidenced by trembling fingers or a trembling tongue. It is disconcerting that trained professionals are not allowed to delve deeper and beyond the limits of the scientific literature, textbooks, and basic psychology that are encouraged. I hope that psychiatry, psychology, the study and practice of faith, philosophy, and peer counseling will be integrated into the field of efforts to promote health, rather than to address illness in isolation. Masu. And this may later be used by veterans and others as well. Convicted criminal. Yes, people experience stress, but they can also recover and should be allowed to do so. I believe that many of these “mental illness” schizoid conditions are mostly acute rather than chronic from which they progress.

The old priests are associated with stories about inner goodness, and how in the face of negativity, or simply in the face of negativity, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of higher truths. There were many conscious people who experienced psychosis (often caused by trauma) in an ultimate effort to heal. Experimental reasons – because they wanted to know more about reality and the universe. This process of discovery is often enhanced by natural narcotics and psychedelics, allowing deeply affected people to come forward and interact with those who can listen and actually empathize and create change. As it did so, it allowed civilization to advance and evolve step by step. Great books have been written on Earth, and many stories have been told and passed down from generation to generation, evolving and adapting as great events occur. If an individual is prevented from going through an inner process of personal growth and perhaps moving beyond a divided state of mind, we will not receive important messages that can be used to point us in the right direction. You won’t be able to. We are currently in a very difficult and difficult situation. We failed to pay attention to our deepest emotions and respond in a positive way. We humans have experienced devastating wars and even dropped nuclear bombs on cities. We have consumed much of the planet’s incredible wealth, destroyed ecosystems, and polluted the air and water to an almost irreparable degree, including damage to the ozone layer and changing weather patterns.

Scientific work on the human brain has so far had fairly limited success in helping patients form positive personalities and better understand their environment, and these interventions often cause harm to the patient. I also know that medical efforts are often well-intentioned and sometimes have great benefits.

Can we, as people, overcome harmful treatments? The vast hospital area where I was admitted also had a sacred space room in the main building where I sat, prayed, and sought out higher spiritual experiences. I was humbled in the face of existence. In sacred silence, I understand my hidden emotions more clearly and they guide me towards personal growth. I was able to become more in tune with distant emotions that were embedded somewhere in my head and beyond, and through prayer and meditation I was able to get in touch with a higher being.

That feeling extended to my family, friends, and community at large, so I had to talk to everyone on the outside as much as I could. For example, I didn’t necessarily follow the opinions of my doctors or my family, but that was also an educational process. Recovery requires growth and change to occur on all fronts, which requires patients, physicians, and families to work together to gain sufficient knowledge of recovery protocols and achieve the best possible outcomes. there is. Doctors sometimes have a hard time letting go of their need for control, but I’m much more rational now than I was a generation ago.

I’m a semi-retired architect, yoga student, and interfaith practitioner with Christian roots. And I want to hold out hope for the day when we can all process our inner turmoil, take back control of our health, and recover. Freed from mental suffering, we become happier and better citizens overall, and inherently closer to the outside world and the good beyond it.


Mad in America hosts blogs from a diverse group of writers. These posts are generally designed to serve as a public forum for discussion of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the author’s own.


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