Home Products ‘Reanimated’ herpes viruses lurking in the brain may link concussions and dementia

‘Reanimated’ herpes viruses lurking in the brain may link concussions and dementia

by Universalwellnesssystems

Inflammation can reawaken dormant viruses in the brain, which may help explain why concussions often precede dementia, a new study has found.

Brain injuries such as concussions Increases risk of dementiaAnd evidence suggests that the more times someone hits themselves in the head, the higher the risk. Scientists are studying what happens in the brain after damage that can cause changes associated with dementia, such as the buildup of abnormal proteins and brain cell dysfunction and death. Such changes can be seen in alzheimer’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a recently recognized disorder in high-impact sports.

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