Home Nutrition Read the benefits of green tea and protein shake for weight loss

Read the benefits of green tea and protein shake for weight loss

by Universalwellnesssystems

Green tea and protein shakes are considered one of the most popular and effective weight loss beverages. In fact, they can boost energy levels and keep you active all day long. Therefore, many fitness enthusiasts drink them before and after their workouts. Which one is better for weight loss? Let’s find out!

Health Shots spoke with consultant physiotherapist and certified diet counselor Swathi Reddy, Ph.D., PT, and Maternity Hospital in Bengaluru, MIAP, to find out the benefits and health pros and cons of these two beverages. . weight loss.

Dr. Reddy said: Many fitness enthusiasts opt for a protein shake after an intense workout, but they also have other options to choose from, one of which he says is green tea. A beverage known for its high antioxidant content and health benefits. But which is better, a protein shake or green tea?

The benefits of green tea are:

Green tea has emerged as one of the most favored beverages and there is a reason why fitness enthusiasts are hooked on green tea. It’s low in calories, high in antioxidants, not to mention helping with weight loss. Here’s how it works for fitness enthusiasts.

1. Boost your metabolism: Green tea boosts your metabolism and helps you burn more calories.It also contains EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which helps prevent disease.

Green tea is an immune-boosting drink!Image credit: Shutterstock

2. Regulate your heart rate. Exercise raises your heart rate. Green tea is known to have a relaxing effect on the body, and its consumption can also help slow the heart rate.

3. Antioxidants: This drink is rich in antioxidants and can also help deal with muscle soreness and fatigue.

Also read: Green Juice or Protein Smoothie: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

4. Improves energy levels. Exercise may lower your energy, but drinking green tea will keep you energized throughout the day.

5. Low Calorie: Fitness-minded people pay attention to their diet. You can go for green tea as it is a sugar free drink.

Benefits of protein shakes:

You probably know the popularity of protein shakes. These are so easy to make that fitness freaks love to carry them around.

1. Muscle growth: Protein is an essential component that our bodies need to grow. Protein shakes are a good option to keep your protein levels in check.

benefits of green tea
Protein shakes help with muscle growth and energy. Image courtesy of Shutterstock

2. Post-exercise recovery: One common reason to consume protein post-workout is to speed up muscle recovery.

3. Boosts Metabolism: They give your body the fuel to build and repair muscle.At the same time, they help burn fat faster.

Also read: Eat or Drink Protein: Which Is Better?

4. Added Nutrients: Protein shakes provide your body with additional nutrition that your diet may lack.

5. Convenience: Other protein sources, such as preparing roast chicken or lentils, may require some effort from you.

Should I choose green tea or a protein shake for weight loss?

Both of these drinks support a healthy metabolism and may suppress appetite. They can also help you lose body fat without losing muscle. So both are incredibly healthy !

benefits of green tea
Drink green tea and lose weight.Image credit: Shutterstock

Dr. Reddy said:intense workout, intense training, or weightlifting, protein shakes are good. If you’re at the gym for a short workout like treadmill or cycling, drink green tea.

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