Home Mental Health Ramaswamy Claims ‘Faith-Based Approaches’ Are ‘Better Ways’ to Treat Mental Illness Than Medication

Ramaswamy Claims ‘Faith-Based Approaches’ Are ‘Better Ways’ to Treat Mental Illness Than Medication

by Universalwellnesssystems

republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy It says it may be best to use “faith-based approaches” to treat mental illness rather than pharmaceuticals.

Coming on Monday jesse watters prime timeRamaswamy advocated institutionalizing some mentally ill people, even against their will.

“Vivek, are you planning to revive mental hospitals as president?” jesse watters I asked, even though such institutions still exist.

“Jesse, I think this is a clear path to combating the violent crime that is surging across this country,” Ramaswamy replied. “I said it in the debates. It’s a taboo subject, so I’m the only candidate of both parties to talk about it. But we have to talk about the hard truths. In the period that we’ve been shutting down hospitals, we’ve actually seen an increase in violent crime. And you know what? Today, the largest mental health facility is a prison. It’s a prison. And they’re not doing a very good job. We don’t. And now we’re getting calls asking for release from prison, for commutation, for shorter sentences. People who leave prison are often in an even worse mental state than when they entered. ”

The candidate’s eminently reasonable view that prisons are scary places for the mentally ill subsequently gave way to the idea of ​​taking such patients off psychiatric medications and employing faith-based treatment plans. Replaced.

“Why do you think it’s taboo to talk about institutionalizing people who are dangerous to themselves and others?” Watters asked.

“Well, the reality is that there has been some abuse over the past few decades, albeit in limited cases,” he replied. “We can learn from our past mistakes and do this again without these abuses. I don’t think we want to pump people into psychiatric hospitals with drugs. A faith-based approach – a better way to do this. There are better ways. But that being said, Jesse, you make a little point about this, but look at who benefited from that policy. Developing antipsychotics and other antidepressants. It was none other than a major pharmaceutical company.”

Ramaswamy made his fortune as a hedge fund portfolio manager. invested in the pharmaceutical industry. He also founded a pharmaceutical company called Roivant Science.

Like all non-donald trump Ramaswamy, the Republican candidate, far behind In a public opinion poll.

Watch above via Fox News.

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