Home Health Care Race, “Wokeness,” and Kidney Transplant Shortages

Race, “Wokeness,” and Kidney Transplant Shortages

by Universalwellnesssystems

There is a serious shortage of transplantable kidneys in the United States. As a result, thousands of people die each year, and thousands more endure years of painful and costly kidney dialysis before they can finally get off the organ waiting list. Recently, organ transplant organizations have attempted to mitigate perceived racial disparities in access to organ transplantation. This in some ways enhances and in another diminishes the role of racial considerations in determining transplant priorities.

Both have drawn the ire of prominent conservative advocate and health policy commentator Dr. Stanley Goldfarb. While some of his objections seem plausible, others in other contexts go against the color-blind doctrine rightly advocated by “anti-wake” conservatives. These debates ignore the best way to alleviate kidney shortages in patients of all races: the legalization of the organ market.

Goldfarb summarizes proposed race-related policy changes and his reasons for opposing them in a recent article. city ​​journal article:

It is conducted by the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network (OPTN) and the National Organ Sharing Network (UNOS). new A policy that makes skin color an important factor in receiving life-saving kidney transplants. This change is perhaps the most dangerous victory for the healthcare awakening to date.

In the name of “fairness,” UNOS and OPTN claim to be expanding access to kidney transplants for black patients. claims to be racist, noting that black patients make up 30% of the dialysis population and transplant waiting lists, but underrepresented in kidney transplants…

UNOS and OPTN… are forcing transplant centers to redesign the waiting list for cadaveric kidneys in a way that favors black patients. Its rationale is that the formula, which has been used for years to estimate renal function, is race-conscious, black patients need her second calculation, and racist was.

However, this second calculation was necessary to obtain an accurate value for renal function in black patients. Without it, measurements would be highly inaccurate and would greatly underestimate renal function. It tends to be high in quantity and can affect levels of creatinine in the blood, a waste product produced by muscle, which estimates renal function with the GFR formula, including the MDRD formula, but not in Africa. Americans of descent may have elevated creatinine levels even with normal renal function.)….

Many black patients who were previously considered ineligible for the waiting list for transplants are now on the list, and some are even moved ahead of others who are already on the waiting list…

In the name of equality, OPTN also prepares to relinquish its longstanding pledge to those who selflessly donated kidneys to loved ones and strangers through matching programs. These brave donors are now listed at the top of the transplant waiting list in case they ever need one. Donating a kidney does not increase the risk of developing kidney failure, so it is rarely necessary. However, this was the only compensation for charitable acts permitted by law. And that helped put the donor at ease. Many were understandably worried about the possibility of needing a transplant of their own.

5 times As many Whites in the same way blacks donate their kidneys means more whites are enjoying this benefit. Therefore, activists consider it racist and want OPTN to change its policy. The group is considering her four proposals. All eliminate the waitlist priority of previous donors and improve waitlist positions by only 10-15%.

In the name of anti-awakening, Goldfarb opposes the proposal here. reduce Ethnic considerations in deciding who is eligible for kidney transplantation. This is clearly at odds with conventional conservative support for colorblind government policies and the accusations of ‘awakened people’ that foster racial consciousness.A new OPTN formula for estimating renal function is actually racially neutral, on the other hand, the older one explicitly took race into account, thus penalizing black transplant candidates. Advocates of race neutrality should welcome this change instead of complaining about its supposed “awakening.”

Indeed, certain genetic diseases (e.g. Tay-Sachs disease, primarily affecting Ashkenazi Jews and some other groups). However, advocates of race-conscious policies at least believe that the relationship between race and weaker vulnerability is very large and strong enough to overcome presumptions against racist policies. , and that the difference cannot be captured by other means. As a control for muscle mass in patients (higher average muscle mass is the reason black patients differ from others, according to Dr. Goldfarb).

Dr. Goldfarb takes a strong stance against proposals to lower the priority given to organ donors waiting to receive kidneys. It is expected to reduce incentives to donate and further exacerbate organ shortages. Additionally, African Americans are not an underrepresented class of people eligible for preferential treatment simply because they have donated kidneys in the past.As of 2021, 15.1% of kidney donors are black, which is actually 25% higher than the proportion of blacks in the US population (12%).Even assuming that “fairness” requires proportional representation of African Americans in the classes of those targeted by donor preferences, the status quo already meets that criterion.

Although the plan to reduce organ donor preferences is formally race-neutral, it is unlikely that it is motivated by a desire to benefit certain racial groups (African-Americans) more than others. it is clear. If backed by a government order ( The organ donation system), such racially motivated policies are subject to special legal scrutiny and presumed unconstitutional unless the government can prove that it would have adopted the same policies without racial motivationI am skeptical that the OPTN plan will stand up to such scrutiny.

Sadly, neither OPTN nor its right-wing critics endorse the single most likely solution to kidney shortages. This can be done by legalizing the organ market and allowing healthcare providers to pay kidney donors. In a country of over 300 million people, granting compensation could easily generate the 30,000 to 40,000 kidney donations needed annually to eliminate waiting lists.

In my previous writings, I have criticized standard arguments against legalizing the organ market, such as concerns that it is too dangerous for organ donors. Claims amount to immoral “commodification” of the bodyand Concern that it will lead to exploitation of the poor (see also here). organ payment, the huge cost of keeping people on kidney dialysis while they struggled on the waiting list.

Of course, the organ market does not require individual patients to purchase kidneys privately at some sort of store or auction. will be purchased. They have strong incentives to guarantee quality and safety (currently true for free donations). In fact, payment options can actually improve quality by eliminating shortfalls that could lead to pressure for lower standards today.

To the extent that African Americans are disproportionately likely to endure long wait times under the current system, a legalized organ market would be of particular benefit to them. Regardless, thousands of lives can be saved. I hope that awakened and anti-awakened people alike will come to understand its value.

Update: In one of the relatively few good policies, the Trump administration has Increased allowance for compensation for costs incurred by organ donorsthey deserve great credit for that. But you can achieve a lot more by legalizing non-expense payments. Ultimately, almost all goods and services will be in short supply if consumers are not allowed to pay more than the producers have spent to provide them.

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