Home Nutrition Quality of Macros Matters, Says New Study

Quality of Macros Matters, Says New Study

by Universalwellnesssystems

Photo recipe: Arugula, chicken and melon salad with sumac dressing

It's the beginning of a new year. If you're like many people, you're probably looking for ways to incorporate healthier habits into your daily life. You may also be considering the idea of ​​a low-carb diet. I've seen other people lose weight with it, so I have “proof” that it works.

Low-carb diets come in many forms, from keto to paleo (although paleo isn't necessarily marketed as low-carb, both eliminate whole grains and beans, which are high-carbohydrate foods). ).

But is low carb the way to go?

Perhaps, according to a new study published on December 27, 2023. JAMA network open. But if you want quality results, you should check the quality of your macros. Because simply cutting out carbohydrates does not guarantee the desired results, especially in the long run.

How was the study conducted?

In this study, researchers looked at data from three large cohort studies: the Nurses' Health Study, the Nurses' Health Study II, and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. They considered five different indicators from this data regarding low carbohydrate diets (LCD).

  • Total Low Carbohydrate Diet (TLCD), emphasizing overall low carbohydrate intake
  • Animal-based low-carbohydrate diet (ALCD) with emphasis on protein and fat from animal sources
  • Vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet (VLCD) with an emphasis on plant-based proteins and fats
  • A healthy low-carbohydrate diet (HLCD), focusing on less refined carbohydrates, more plant-based protein, and healthy fats.
  • Unhealthy low-carb diets, emphasizing more refined carbohydrates, animal protein, and unhealthy fats

Participants included men and women from a variety of racial and ethnic groups, including African American, Asian, Hispanic, non-Hispanic white, and unknown. The total number of participants in this study was 123,332, with an average age of 45 years.

Because the cohort studied was from a long-term study, researchers were able to analyze diet and weight gain over a four-year period.

What did the research show?

After adjusting the participants' data for other lifestyle factors, the researchers looked specifically at dietary composition, BMI, and weight gain during each four-year cycle for each cohort.

What they found was that a high-quality, low-carb diet filled with plant-based protein and healthy fats compared to a low-quality, low-carbohydrate diet made up primarily of animal-based protein and fat. , I was told that my weight gain was slow (Hello, Keto).

Therefore, researchers argue that maintaining a healthy weight is not only about the ratio of macronutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and fat, but also about their quality.

Why is this important?

When looking for an eating pattern that works for you, you need to consider the long term. What kind of eating style can you maintain for a long time? What foods are most effective for your body? Do you have the energy you need to get through the day at your best?

The answers to these questions will vary from person to person.

Here's what we know: Eating more plants and healthy fats can help us live longer. The same goes for whole grains. All of them are high quality ingredients.

If you feel better eating fewer carbohydrates, make sure the carbohydrates you eat are of high quality. Also include high-quality plant protein from vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats like avocado and olive oil (nuts and seeds also provide healthy fats).

If you need meat, eggs, or dairy products to feel satisfied, that's okay. What really matters is balance, and that includes other lifestyle choices as well. Physical activity, coping with stressors, and getting enough quality sleep are also important and, in addition to diet, contribute to overall health and quality of life.


Incorporate lots of high-quality foods into your diet and find the macro ratio that works for you. Top this off with regular physical activity, stress reduction, and quality sleep. And strengthen your social circle. Research shows that having strong social connections can help prevent cognitive decline, including dementia and depression.

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