Home Nutrition Quality of low-carb diets affects weight change in U.S. adults, finds study

Quality of low-carb diets affects weight change in U.S. adults, finds study

by Universalwellnesssystems

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The quality of a low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) is associated with weight change among U.S. adults, according to research published online Dec. 27. JAMA network open.

Binkai Liu and colleagues at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston conducted a prospective study to examine the association between changes in LCD index and weight change in healthy participants at baseline in the Nurses' Health Study (NHS; 1986-2010). A cohort study was conducted. ), Nurses' Health Study II (NHSII; 1991-2015), and Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS; 1986-2018).

Five LCD metrics were examined. Total LCD (TLCD). Animal-derived LCD (ALCD). Plant-based LCD (VLCD). Healthy LCD (HCLD). and unhealthy LCD (ULCD). The data included 123,332 participants (83.8% female).

The researchers found that mean weight gain over 4 years varied between 0.8 and 1.8 kg for HPFS and NHSII, respectively. For every standard deviation (SD) increase in TLCD score, he gained 0.06 kg over 4 years after adjusting for demographic and baseline and concomitant changes in selected lifestyle factors. Ta.

For every 1-SD increase in ALCD and ULCD scores, the corresponding increases were 0.13 kg and 0.39 kg. In contrast, each 1-SD increase in VLCD and HCLD scores was associated with a decrease in weight gain of 0.03 kg and 0.36 kg, respectively. These associations were more pronounced in obese people.

“Overall, the results of this study argue against focusing solely on macronutrient quantity in weight management and suggest that nutrient quality plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight. “There is,” the authors write.

For more information:
Binkai Liu et al., Macronutrient quality and weight changes on low-carbohydrate diets, JAMA network open (2023). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.49552

Magazine information:
JAMA network open

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