Home Health Care Putting patients’ needs at the heart of a care model

Putting patients’ needs at the heart of a care model

by Universalwellnesssystems

Royston Lek worked in direct patient care before becoming Executive Director of Mayo Clinic Asia-Pacific.

He was the former COO of an integrated healthcare services company in China and in Singapore was a managing director of a similar company with operations in Asia.

During these executive positions in healthcare services companies, Lek learned about the immense challenges healthcare providers face in providing care to their patients.

“I was able to understand that delivering patient care requires the orchestration of resources, know-how and expertise across the continuum of care. is challenging,” he adds.

In the field of digital health, I am particularly interested in how machine learning and artificial intelligence can enhance diagnostic imaging and data processing, improving the diagnostician’s ability to detect abnormalities more efficiently and effectively. .

“AI-enabled image processing, detection, and other enhancements are a very important aspect of digital health that is not talked about much, but I find it incredibly valuable.” he claims.

Mayo Clinic’s Unique Care Model

As a non-profit organization, the Mayo Clinic is driven by a core foundation of putting patient needs first.

Through partnerships, we share value, knowledge and expertise across the three shields of education, research and practice to improve patient care. The company is now building his Mayo Clinic Care Network. It is an integrated global healthcare network that enables care locally while providing access to resources and skills to care for patients with critical or complicated conditions.

Lek is currently participating in this initiative, working closely with colleagues at the Mayo Clinic in the United States to identify, develop and expand international partnerships around Asia. He helps providers engage in deeper and more meaningful partnerships “beyond just commerce.”

At the upcoming HIMSS22 APAC conference, he will share the Mayo Clinic’s unique care model, its core values, and how its approach to patient-centered, team-based care sets it apart from the rest.

We will also share updates on our projects in Indonesia and how we are working with various partners to provide better care for patients in Indonesia. ”

Lek will be speaking at the HIMSS22 APAC Conference Keynote “Partnering in Creation Centers of Excellence in Indonesia”.The conference will be held from September 26th to 29th in Bali, Indonesia.view the details here.

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