Home Medicine Puberty blockers given to children who say they were born in the wrong body and want to ‘change gender’ may lower their’ IQs

Puberty blockers given to children who say they were born in the wrong body and want to ‘change gender’ may lower their’ IQs

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • NHS England stopped regularly prescribing the drug last year.

Giving powerful 'puberty blocker' drugs to hundreds of young people who are confused about their gender risks significantly reducing their IQ, a leading scientific expert has warned.

Sally Baxendale, professor of clinical neuropsychology at University College London, called for “urgent” research into the effects of drugs on children's brain function in an alarming study.

NHS England last year stopped regular prescribing of the drug, which halts body changes during adolescence, after damning research found the treatment could interfere with the maturation process of the brain. has been discontinued.

However, private male and female clinics in the UK still administer puberty suppressants to under-16s, and trans activists say the drugs are safe.

Now Professor Baxendale has presented evidence of the “adverse effect” the controversial drug has on young people's IQ levels.

Sally Baxendale, professor of clinical neuropsychology at University College London, called for “urgent” research into the effects of drugs on children's brain function.
A powerful 'puberty blocker' drug given to hundreds of young people who are confused about their gender is at serious risk of lowering their IQ

A study of 25 girls treated with puberty blockers found that their IQ dropped by an average of 7 points.

Professor Baxendale said one patient experienced a “significant loss” of more than 15 points. All of the girls suffered from “precocious puberty,'' which means they reach adulthood early.

Professor Baxendale said: “Young people and their families are unable to give truly informed consent to these treatments because doctors are unable to tell them the long-term effects on their cognitive development.” Stated.

Stephanie Davis Ally of Transgender Trends, which campaigns against the prescription of puberty blockers to young people, said: “No proper long-term studies have ever been done to prove their safety.'' No,” he said.

It is a common belief that blockers are “reversible” when given during the natural period of puberty. They interfere with critical periods of growth and cognitive development. ”

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