Home Mental Health Psychiatrist Shares The One Thing He Wishes He Could Tell His Patients About Their Mental Health

Psychiatrist Shares The One Thing He Wishes He Could Tell His Patients About Their Mental Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dr. Richard Wadsworth He uses his presence on TikTok to provide guidance on the intersection of physical and mental health. I believe these are ultimately connected.

This psychiatrist said there is one thing he would like to tell his patients about mental health, but doesn't usually tell them.

Dr. Wadsworth explained the important connection between working out and mental health, saying, “Even from a statistical standpoint, if you're depressed and you're not exercising, that's likely the cause.” said.

“Statistically, if you exercise, you probably won't get depressed,” he reiterated. “It's almost certainly not going to go that low.”

He said some people counter that they're too depressed to exercise, and advised them to ask the person if they can exercise for one second, then continue for two seconds, up to 30 seconds.

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“Then you'll probably feel good enough to do it for a minute. If you keep at it, you might be able to do it for five minutes.”And eventually you'll be able to do it for 10 minutes. “At some point, you might be able to work up to 30 minutes. If you work up to 30 minutes, you probably won't be so depressed that you don't even need to see me or see a psychiatrist. Deaf,” he explained. “Statistically, it probably almost works.”

Photo: mikotoraw Photographer / Pexels

He said why he doesn't tell people this advice, even though “statistically, according to the research that's been done, it's usually accurate.” He described a study that had been done, detailing how they “gathered a bunch of people with depression” and had half of them exercise and the other half not.

“Of the group that exercised, they outperformed depression medications,” he revealed. “More people felt better when they exercised than in the group who took the pill, or more people felt better than in the group who were taking the pill.”

As a way to further explain his thought process, he used the analogy of trying to start a fire in a bucket of water, saying: That makes about as much sense as trying to start a fire in a bucket of water. It doesn't work. ”

“There's definitely a big difference between being happy and being depressed,” he clarified. “Also, there are many causes of depression, and not all of them are due to lack of exercise. But I would say that for most causes of depression, exercise will reduce the symptoms.”

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He highlighted the huge challenge of depression. That's because a depressed person's brain tricks them into thinking that nothing they do will make them feel better.

“That's part of depression,” he said. “This is a condition in which your brain lies to you and tells you that no matter what you do, it won't make you feel better. Research has proven that to be false, and a depressed brain is a liar. ”

“I quit all my hobbies, I don't go out, I don't exercise, I don't do anything. And guess what? I just keep getting more and more depressed, and eventually it gets even worse and I end up in the hospital or a psychiatrist. “You will be examined,” he says.

He said, “A lot of the research on drugs that people take…shows efficacy for five weeks. Maybe 25 to 40 percent of the time, the drugs help people feel a little bit better for about five weeks, but… , then it becomes less effective and stops working… They try different drugs, different combinations, but it doesn't last long unless you do it. You make the change.”

Photo: Alex Green/Pexels

He advised people to try to realize that “you probably have about five weeks before the drug stops working.” During those five weeks, try not to listen to your brain telling you that nothing you do will make you feel better. ”

He suggested that people move forward despite what their brains tell them by engaging with people and things they love.

He also acknowledged that people can experience severe depressive episodes and require alternative treatments other than drugs and exercise.

“Don’t give up hope,” he said. “There are many things you can do.”

Making small, actionable changes like speaking positive words to yourself and developing uplifting habits are ways to combat poor mental health.

“Some people need to take medication for depression chronically. Whatever the reason, that's the way it is,” he clarified. “That's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. But if your depression medication isn't working, and you're not exercising, spending time with other people, or pursuing hobbies, then from one second of exercise to Please begin.”

He concluded with a message of hope, sharing that professional help is always available for those seeking assistance.

Whether that support means working with your doctor or therapist to develop a plan of action along with medication, or talking through difficult times, it's essential to prioritize your health. Because once you put yourself first, you have taken the most important step toward healing.

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers mental health, pop culture analysis, and all things related to the entertainment industry.

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